Disco Elysium. Way more voice lines once it got the Director’s Cut. Such a good game.
Disco Elysium. Way more voice lines once it got the Director’s Cut. Such a good game.
idk woman. have you tried… well… talking to him instead of the interwebs?
Wouldn’t you have sex anyway? Or is there something that makes laughing frustration sex special?
Dunno bro, you don’t necessarily need to use your penis to make her come three times and last longer than two hours.
idk if it was terrible because I haven’t watched it in over 20 years… but that’d be Space Jam for me. Watched it so often, the VHS gave out and we had to buy it a second time.
Yes. From the path mentioned is the emulated user directory, similar to windows. Some games have save files or config files there.
You mean steamapps/compdata/[GameID]/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/…
nvm, the joke died a long time ago but I refuse to have typed this long for nothing!
Or Tuta (formerly Tutanota) with my own domain. It’s neither that hard to set up nor expensive.
The joke is good, don’t worry. Elon on the other hand…
Wait. Are the panels supposed to fall off?
I’m not going to look that up, since I fear you uploaded something to “the hub”. Ü
No process at all can backfire badly. At a certain scale you need some processes for things to work. Especially if you want everyone to deliver the same quality and experience to the customer. The trick is to have just enough processes in place to not micromanage every damn thing.
This it way too real. It’s the reason I sometimes only get about 2 hours of sleep at night, because my brain is in overdrive, overthinking everything and making up fake scenarios that could’ve been or might happen. They never happen because it’s just wishful thinking. Why am I torturing myself like that.