The irony is that while Reddit tried to commercialise what it’s users perceive (whether accurately or not) as a community. It’s like your local picnic spot or doggy park that you’ve been going to for years all of a sudden started charging an entry fee. That alienates consumers.
The unfortunate truth is that Reddit could have ended up being a very profitable respected business had the leadership decided to monetise it’s venture in a different model.
Ultimately consumers have had their fill with the perceived corporate greed culture and in this author’s view is the main drive away from Reddit by early adopters to other platforms such as this one.
Time will tell if the middle majority will follow in time.
The irony is that while Reddit tried to commercialise what it’s users perceive (whether accurately or not) as a community. It’s like your local picnic spot or doggy park that you’ve been going to for years all of a sudden started charging an entry fee. That alienates consumers.
The unfortunate truth is that Reddit could have ended up being a very profitable respected business had the leadership decided to monetise it’s venture in a different model.
Ultimately consumers have had their fill with the perceived corporate greed culture and in this author’s view is the main drive away from Reddit by early adopters to other platforms such as this one.
Time will tell if the middle majority will follow in time.