Simple, they stand up on flat ground
FOSS enthusiast and anime fan.
my other socials
PS: there might be NSFW activity here
Simple, they stand up on flat ground
Only consistent dark theme so I use it on all the mobile apps, I’d much rather have some way of defining a custom theme for apps to follow like you can do with GTK and Qt on Linux.
Discord’s electron still hasn’t received the patch for spectre/meltdown mitigation in the browser, I doubt they will ever have to deal with manifest V3 or WEI.
I know that experience far too well, trying to run even sildurs makes my GeForce 930m cry in pain
Yes, give me that Linux Apache Mysql Php
and ignore that 3/4 are outdated, replaced, or hated like JavaScript.
How do you get the freshest shit to post and what wood would you recommend for posting it?
Ah classic AZ-5 going from reactor shutdown to hydrogen bomb detonation button.
That said, this is also partially to blame to the graphite tipped control rods which have had their graphite tips removed in any operational RBMK reactor including those still running today.
The problem with battery fires is that most batteries are made out of lithium which reacts with pretty much everything and is extremely difficult to put out.
In addition obtaining the rare earth metals for these batteries ecologically is a real challenge and it will only get worse the more we use.
I’m not saying we should abandon electric cars but we should know the benefits and drawbacks of each option before making a decision.
Just came across it and it’s more relevant today than when it was posted