**common lie
**common lie
It was above my waist doesn’t count
My point still stands. I’ve had 9mm from an m17 shot beside my head and had zero issues with my hearing afterwards.
Edit to reply to your ignorant use of the word ignorant:
I have personal and professional experience with many different things that shoot, so calling my response ignorant is just wrong. That’s like people saying “I literally just died” when what they really meant was “I’m a little embarassed”
I’m a 5’6 beardless man, we could make this a leaning Tower of Pisa
Maybe it has something to do with the directional output. I’m not at all versed on the subject.
This is the most blantantly ignorant comment I’ve read on Lemmy. No one would assume that every single shot was shot close to my head.
That being said, yes, most living adults understand how sound works.
I’ve never heard any weapon fire 9mm and think “welp time to get my ears checked”
I’ve shot and been around the shooting of easily of 1 million rounds. 9mm isn’t loud, especially in comparison.
Yeah, good point, gun safety is very Important. Guns aren’t toys.
Depends on the gun. 9mm would be a normal conversation, 50. cal by the being shot close to your head with no hearing protection hurts
Micky Mouse is in the picture you shared.
Don’t feed this one honey!
Reread my comment bud
Do you have more details on this subject? All I can find is hunger game references
Yeah no way in hell I’m remembering that, none the less saying it.
Why would she break that gun?
Wasn’t he like 30 when they were filming that show?
The only thing I miss from LoL is Twitch 😢
God how true this is for all the America bad people