Little tip: use the edge of your counter to flatten it out nicely (just grab the bottom part and run it against the edge, both sides)
Little tip: use the edge of your counter to flatten it out nicely (just grab the bottom part and run it against the edge, both sides)
Yeah and if you don’t have similar principals to mine it’ll continue to feel like a sacrifice that may or may not be worth pursuing.
Truthfully I don’t feel like I’m missing out at all. Those developers have been pumping out trash for years.
A few free games as in games I actually want to play. Claiming freebies makes you access their eco system which makes you a customer whether you spend money or not.
I actively avoid it on principle. Same with EA, Ubisoft, and Activision. Buy stuff that aligns with your values and don’t cave just because we need to try the shiny new thing.
A few free games every year isn’t enough to get me to forgo any of that.
This is the way, van even organize into categories. I’ve never understood the appeal of having 400+ tabs open in a browser all the time.