Caffeine just keeps you conscious. You wanna be awake, then you want Adderall.
Caffeine just keeps you conscious. You wanna be awake, then you want Adderall.
Survive out of SPITE.
I’m tired of just surviving. So. Fucking. Tired…
Then - when you uninstall their short-lived app - Windows doesn’t automatically fall back to the app that handled that format before they foisted theirs upon you.
As an American who wound up going to a German elementary-level school for a couple years (granted, decades ago), trust me - they know & few are proud of it.
Fuck me - I’m still stuck on when to use “der,” “die,” or “das.”
In response to “will Trump roll it back?”
According to Daniel, “most of those people would look at it and say, ‘Okay, we may not be excited about it, but why roll it back? Because most of what it tries to do is pretty nonpartisan or bipartisan. And if you roll it back, then you’re leaving yourself open to, ‘so why did you get rid of it?”‘
Because logic and Trumpian Republicans mix even less well than oil and water. They also tend to have severe cases of “not invented here” syndrome. They’ll make a big deal about rolling “the incompetent piece of crap” back, change three words and the title, then claim how much better their version is.
Rapid7‘s Adam Barnett says January marks the fourth consecutive month where Microsoft has published zero-day vulnerabilities on Patch Tuesday without evaluating any of them as critical severity at time of publication. Today also saw the publication of nine critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities.
Man, I hope this doesn’t mean they’re trying to avoid looking bad by not publicizing severe issues. This is not an area where politics should prevail - it’ll only be far worse in the end.
I’ve tried watching it at least 3x now - it’s just such a slow build that by somewhere around ep 4-5 I stop watching & have to start over again when going back months later. It was interesting, but boring at the same time.
Differing kinda of storage in case one doesn’t work with the device being restored to, or something happens that’s more likely to affect one type of media than the other. A strong electrical field could scramble the hell out of spinning rust’s magnetic media, while doing nothing to optical media, for example.
Seriously though, don’t do violence.
Why not? It’s a perfectly fair response to the violence perpetuated upon millions of “customers” annually, made “legitimate” by paid off lawmakers. Why should we not be allowed to respond in kind when they’re allowed to kill us - just because it’s in a more roundabout method? Fuck 'em. I’ve never been a gun type, but right-wingers have really been getting me to rethink that stance.
Tonight on To Catch a Predator…
I’ve long assumed the authors of fsck were having some childish fun in choosing the name. Personally, I’d be fine with people routinely making asses of themselves by jumping to conclusions, and acting upon them. I’d even give them a chance to save themselves from embarrassment by putting an explanation in my profile “for those unaware.”
He was a bit sour on the whole experience.
^I’ll see myself out…^
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No, he looks forward to using me as a target for their collective derision.
I’m confused: I thought that awful smell was coming from feet… 🤷♀️
“Nine Inch Nails” has entered the chat…
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Or on Android you can use YTDLnis which provides a nice frontend with lots of flexibility as to what is downloaded.
Perfect title - heard it in my head while looking at the pic.