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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Absolutely agree. But I would mention, that the climate crackdown in the UK would had created tensions while still inside the EU. People could call a EU instance to talk about these events and the disintegration of protest rights to ask for commissions and maybe even sanctions. But they are not anymore in the Union. It is an island in the Atlantic that next higher power is now the sky above them. People wanted the power (or were told by russia to “claim back your land”) and are now feeling the authoritarian changes that a EU can only comment on, but not act. And in Russia someone is delighted that this worked as fine as his work on the US.

    My point is: If a big and strong country like russia is not distracted because it is working on its own topics and prosperity, but turning his whole attention on everyone other but his own people, it has a enormous scale to make others fail or at least stumble. If the guy in the Bike-Race decides that he has not to win the race by finishing first, but by throwing sticks in the wheel of the others, we have to acknowledge that our bruises are not because our bike is bad designed and unstable, but maybe that spokes are really weak compared to sticks.

  • That is true. Over time we also got our new untreated depressions as nations too. But here I said it. I stated that we have that and we could/should talk about. And act upon it. That is not possible in Russia, North-Korea and China and some other autocratic nations. I would be in jail or my post deleted. Renting a Podium with 5 speakers to talk about this topic in a public talk is impossible. Printing a book or documentation about the Events is not possible. A russian or a chinese citizen can come to europe and public a book named “Why democracy failed!”. I can not publish a book like that about china or todays russia on why their system failed. My point is: I would argue, that we in the west do activly have discourses about many things. Including history, the past, Society, Roles, Emancipation, Gender, Power, Rights, Social, Health, Religion, Massacres, Local Politics and National- and Foreign Politics and many more. We are not doing the best job to totally reflect every aspect of our doing, misdoing and unnoticed misdoing, but we are very vocal and leave people the right to write and document about many topics from the past and the present (without jail!) and allow also a demand for certain rights in the future to give society a trajectory on where it wants to develop into.

    Russia does not.

  • They were also the two leaders that came after Mikhail Gorbachevs Glasnost Politics of (besides other things) dismantling the personal cult that russians followed for centuries. The West developed with democracy a form of replaceable power figures, where the train can still run the same and you just switch the conductor. Russians love the personification of power in one person and cultishly follow him. Putin actively revived the Stalin image to revive that persona cult thinking in a leader that led them into the abyss the last centuries. Those who left, left behind a very dense group of singularity mindset of leadership. And they never questioned that. They never reworked that. They never came to a coherent narration about these times. They apply the asian concept of “never talking about weakness” as russia is the brackish gradient to asian society. They could have embraced that fact with creativity and ingenuity. But there is no ingenuity in russia today. If only they could reflect themself, embrace their heritage, become a vocal public republic with tendencies to arrive in a democracy in the future. But they are not on their way. They dismantle the connection to the outside internet, like they disconnect their citizens from the public discourse.

    I hope one day former Russians, who found their second citizenchip somehwere else, can go back and be proud to work on the real “Novorossiya” in the Ural region, formerly known as Moscovya. Imagine getting spawn as a progressive Leadership figure in the current landstate of russia. Putin really did not played his cards in a winning matter given that spawn potential: Resourcefull, sprawling masses of Land ready to be developed to attract minds and hearts of people by giving them a above average share of economic gain with minimal corruption and massive innovative potential by attracting bright minds into the country. A pro-west powerhouse. A European Canada. But: Nyet.

    One day it can work. Its a long way to go but we are not even wearing socks yet. Getting Russia into a working Democracy is like helping your drunk friend getting into his pants and jacket so he can go to work. Literally

  • What a shithole country where you (+ hundred of thousands others) have to give your life because your autocracy leader is desperate for an idolized achievement before he dies.

    Russia, formally knows as Muscovy, was culturally defined by the mongol horde for the long time of occupancy. When they left, Muscovy wanted to align itself more with the west and was envy of the more modern and more sophisticated culture of the Kievan Rus in todays Ukraine. For a century Muscovy applied itself with art and culture from that region and in the End even applied the Rus name to itself, calling itself Russia. Coming now back to Ukraine to say “Hey, we are Russia, and the novorossiya belongs to the Rus” is just psychopath behavior 101. It is like dressing and talking like your neighbor and then even take his name and one day go to his house and tell him, that it is his name on the doorbell, so the house plus the garden must be his.

    If Russia would be a human being, it would need psychotherapy for the last 300 years (borrowed plumes) and the last 100 years (failure of communism) and the last 50 years (The horror of Afghanistan, sellout, …) and the last 20 years (Putin, Ryazan, Beslan, 2007 Protests). But because it is a country, they always psycho-misdiagnosed themself from the leaders point of view and what came out is a country, where nobody trust anyone, where nobody believes in anything, where no vision to a better world exists and where people keep their head down as - like in OP articles - people get arbitrary deported for the smallest show of voice.

    If only Muscovy could find itself a leader for once that is not slaying away their citizens. A Democracy could implement such a leader, but democracy is “west”, “homosexual” and “weak”. The remaining Russian man inside the country are too insecure/uneducated to look right through this lie, as they want to look strong. Ever body with a brain already left, so they simmering in their own inbreed mindset of toughness and suffering — until they fail. Again.

  • It is time for Europe Union 2. It is like a second onion-shell around Europe Union(1), but this time, only countries can apply that agree, that one or two small mini countries that have a dictator at their lead, are not able to veto the whole others. All the big players are in (DE, FR, IT, ES, etc.) and Ukraine can join us in EU2 without the problems of EU1 where dwarf-states with their dwarf-leader with their dwarf-brain can veto the wish of the others. In 2050 we can make even a EU2.1 and let Georgia, and Kazakhstan join EU2.1, no problem. Some countries will still run EU1 and will never upgrade and will never gain the new features and allocation formula of the 2.1 Member countries, but its their own fault if they wish not to upgrade. Let us not get hold back because of backward compability and errors from the v1.0 Version but keep developing! Want to veto the entrance of a new Country to EU2? To bad, your never became part of EU2 and are still running EU1. EU2 decided to let them join EU2. EU Plus - it’s Double Plus Good. All the great features of EU1, but with modern features and without the bugs. Get excited for “EU3 Fortnite”, where only People under the Age of 50 can make resolutions and laws as it is their time now to live and to decide how to shape the future and not some geriatric folks that will die anyway in 10y and does not get affected their whole life by those new rules. Out now: EU3.2 with Microtransactions - UK wants to get back in, but wants to keep the Pound Currency? You can! We do not care if you want to continue showing colonial slave traders (queens) or Pedophiles (princes) on your paper-strips. For a small payment of 3.000.000 EUR per month, you can keep your own currency. With the new EU3.3 Season Battle Pass, you can even join, discontinue and rejoin any regional- or global war at will without a penalty for leaving a game early. Join a war whenever you feel like!

  • Next step: Polygamy. Russia has a surplus of woman compared to males because of their long tradition of meatgrinding them in the conflicts of the leader. Because of that, for many russian woman it is not easy to have a native russian life with a native russian man to create a native russian family. This leads to woman accepting domestic abuse as they are glad to not go abroad to find a man. Still, many russian woman in search for a partner to marry, are going abroad. There are Marriage-Mills in china, japan and korea that loath for young russian (western looking) woman, desperate enough to marry a foreigner to fullfill their wish to have children and a family life. So the next step for Putin might be to tell russian woman that they should share the few man he did not crippled in the meat grinder for a polygamist relationship. And the current Orthodox Patriarch Kirill will tell them “this is gods will” like the turncoat he is.