Yeaaahhhh. This is definitely still falling under the NSFW Category. :D
Not porn per se. But definitely not something to have playing at work. ^^
Yeaaahhhh. This is definitely still falling under the NSFW Category. :D
Not porn per se. But definitely not something to have playing at work. ^^
God dang thank you! Found this channel through you and hoooly shit the amount of information in those vids is insane. This shit is top tier stuff
Kommentarsektion… Eigentum… da war doch was. Irgendwas kratzt da an meiner Schädeldecke.
Linux beginner here. Whats snaps?
Well I can say for myself I am the second kind of person.
The fuck is this abomination?
Not a meme but a shitpost. Use the shizpost community for this pls.
I want you all to hear about this actually good website:
Type in the software that you want to replace.
Then toggle filters for your OS and if you want Properitery (paid or freemium) or FOSS.
Whole thing is based on community votings.
You can also vote down and describe with text a feedback, why a listed software doesnt really make a alternative to your software.
Or why it is a good alternative.
Sorry for bad formatting. I am writing this on mobile.
In order to be unessecary specific:
if it would benefit the waves:
it would only benefit the outgoing waves.
The waves coming back feom clients, transmitting data back to the wifi access point would have to fight against this additional airpressure.
But this is all only hypothetical and i am sure in the real world it would make no difference even if there would be a benefit in theory.
And yes you are correct the electromanetic field of the spinning fan would definitly harm and not improve the signal quality.
Lead me the way go the more cursed communities, that you know of please.
I dont see a downside here. Orange is beautiful. :3
You can natively change the color and size of your courser in windows 10 and 11. No need for thirdparty tools.
Did that. Never looked back. I never lost my courser on a white background again.
Size: 2 or 3
Color: orange.
Impossible to miss.
Northern Bavaria, near border to Hessen reporting in. I know this sentence.
Whut? When is matrix not encrypted somtetimes? Genuine question - I’m a matrix newbie and i thought that all was encrypted was the whole point O.o