Yea. Didn’t realize how hard it is to stop a giant boat. As a electrical engineer we stay away from water and my ignorance shows!
Yea. Didn’t realize how hard it is to stop a giant boat. As a electrical engineer we stay away from water and my ignorance shows!
Ahhh. I wasn’t seeing the full incident. Lost main power they radioed a warning. Backup generation isn’t designed to fully stop a huge boat. Life safety systems on board should be operational but it’s the problem here is stopping a giant heavy boat…
Why would a collision detection system not detect a collision? Asking as I know little about such systems. To me a system would include GPS and bridge heights and ship height with radar to alert of tight spots. A bridge could have a sensor from lowest point to measure water height and hence clearance ND broadcast to all ships who must acknowledge before crossing. Why am I a moron on the internet a step ahead of billion dollar operations?
Dude. Backup power. Backup generator in a fire rated room. You didn’t understand my previous rant. Batteries and UPS and generators. If your main power fails you have Backup generation sometimes even redundant Backup generators with interlocks and load shedding to keep life safety online. But it is a moot pointthe issue here is we don’t have a good way to stop a huge boat with no power. This is more an industry blindspot than anything I see now.
A good anti collision system here could be a dude with binoculars lol!
As an electrical engineer I will say there are giant thick sections of code for backup power regarding life safety systems. Generally a backup generator will keep running even if on fire and breaking just to keep power on… backup batteries on even more sensitive equipment provides even more redundancy. Power failure leading to a disaster is a engineering failure.
Don’t fall for that though… its only for morons…
If we throw ypu out you’ll just return with more boomerang humor…
Happiness is just wanting what you already have.
more evidence that we do live in a society…
10-4 voyager test is a go proceed with launch…
Glad you found something to feel happy. It’s a tough feeling so hold it!
cool story brah… whats it got to do with the price of eggs? Do you understand that I deleted my comment after say 5 minutes, realizing tapping on the glass at the zoo isn’t good for the animals. Yet here I am making faces at monkeys … at least were both having a blast!
What do you think happens when you watch say… John Wick… yes the frontal cortex is like “this is a movie I don’t have to worry”, yet your nervous system doesn’t need your frontal cortex to set into motion a whole chain reaction. shows me long term media violence exposure will increase proactive aggression and reactive aggression, this study shows me experiencing higher levels of real-life violence was linked with maladaptive outcomes including higher trauma symptoms, escape to fantasy, and reduced empathy. this book in 2002 talks about how the body automatically responds to violence weather you frontal cortex knows its fake or not. this study acknowledges higher anxiety in youth while staying away from naming the exact mechanism . this study talks about the increase in heart rate and other metrics like blood pressure from watching violence .
And that is just science…
The five Mindful trainings rooted in the five precepts offered by the Buddha, number five, is about mindful consumption, to help us not bring toxins and poisons into our body or mind, as expressed by Thich Nhat Hanh. He offers this direct quote “Movies are food for our eyes, ears, and minds. When we watch TV, the program is our food. Children who spend five hours a day watching television are ingesting images that water the negative seeds of craving, fear, anger, and violence in them. We are exposed to so many forms, colors, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of touch, and ideas that are toxic and rob our body and consciousness of their well-being.”
Christian text say "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. "
Buddha is quoted as saying “All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts and made up of our thoughts. If a man speak or act with an evil thought, suffering follows him as the wheel follows the hoof of the beast that draws the wagon… If a man speak or act with a good thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him.”
So perhaps violent media is creating it or revealing it. Either way a brain is not to be fuked with. The mind is a collection of experience, if that mind has tons of violent expressions it will seek to see the world consistanltly, that is our ego trying to make sense of the world with expectations met.
and it is those movies that are setting expectations… just sayin… there are two wolves in you, a frontal cortex of thinking, and an animal subconscious, all content gets pushed through both and one can respond withing milaseconds to release stress hormones, the more stress you have the less your life will be. I do like gif replies though!
bro, assuming I’m angry is incorrect… i love you, i love all you.
did i stutter? i like deleting, i say too much at times, like this whole thread, i saw humor i thought was dumb I should have moved on. but I do enjoy dialogs with people, I’d imagine I’d have every one of these view points had I lead a similar life to the person.
So I can bang ur mom…