If that’s the case, it could have been a craftsman’s magnum opus. A certification you prominently display to show your wares aren’t forgeries.
If that’s the case, it could have been a craftsman’s magnum opus. A certification you prominently display to show your wares aren’t forgeries.
The ones toppling yatchs
This is the exact scenario I dreamed of one time. Was like GTA except all downhill in snowy city streets.
It was a joke. He famously does his own stunts.
Like Tom Cruise and his stunt double?
Muscle relaxers?
Why the fuck is this guy still being talked about?
The upvotes are bots too though. A decent sized server farm could churn absolute garbage out and game the upvote algorithm and bingo, a front-page full of complete gibberish. Faking YouTube views is harder since YouTube knows how long you’ve actually watched the video and toss out any errant signals. Upvotes are too basic any bot farm can do it for cheap.
This highlights the problem with using that term. The two particles assume a state at the same time at a distance. It has 0% to do with the colloquial term.