What do you mean fiction? Why else would Musk have moved in with Turnip?
What do you mean fiction? Why else would Musk have moved in with Turnip?
Yep, companies give “unlimited PTO” because it’s a way to actually reduce the amount of PTO employees take.
Give them 20 days PTO/year? They’ll take around 20 a year.
Give them unlimited PTO? They need to justify every bit of PTO, so probably only get to take 4 or 5 for important days.
Instructions unclear, treated otters well.
Remember kids, if someone offers you drugs, say “yes thank you” because drugs are expensive.
Good old https://windows95tips.com/
Fun, in a creepy way.
Grandchild: “there goes his Alzheimer’s again”
Cameras above each door to gather data.
Ads on the doors.
I would complain and stop shopping there, and encourage others to complain as well. Hell leave the doors propped open to help people see what’s inside, even though it’ll run up their electricity bill and spoil the contents. Aslo remember to bring in one of those window-cracker car safety things and have a go at breaking the screens if you want to be even more rebellious.
It was a joke, this time.
But back in my university days (holy shit I feel old, that was around 17 years ago), when flash drives were still new ish technology. I had installed a Linux live cd, which was a brand new idea back then, on my USB stick that also contained a bunch of my files.
I thought it would be a fun idea to rm -rf / to see what it would do to a live cd environment.
Then I realised it was not a fun idea as I started to see the names of my project documents being deleted.
Can confirm, it takes up so much space it’s surprising they install it by default, my drive is like 99% free now.
Unrelated, but none of my files are in my documents folder anymore and I can’t run steam, anyone know if they relied on the French language pack?
Man, we could have been at the XBOX 1800 by now.
Ironically that naming scheme would be slightly less terrible than what happened.
He is a bad(ass) cop. He combines Judge Judy and Executioner all into one!
Turns out homeless people drink much more milk than expected, or are somehow getting their hands on calcium supplements, their bones are far less brittle than expected and keep dulling out the blades.
They should just call it the family wreath.
I always think of it like this song: https://genius.com/Heidevolk-a-wolf-in-my-heart-lyrics
Except replace the word heart with ass.
There’s a wolf
In my ass
And it’s fighting to survive
Don’t be part of the problem. Be part of the solution! Start shopping for underwear at Victoria’s Secret, Honey Birdette, etc.
The only downside is occasionally not being sure who’s underwear is who’s. Also it might not fit guys as well, but that can be excused for the extra style.
The ad on the left is for gaming products, but the picture is for a hair eraser/exfoliator. The joke is that gamers are all uWu femboys.
I mean, a lot of us probably are, but there’s going to be a few that are outliers.
Then again, I like my legs being hair free, especially during summer, makes me feel cooler (but only temperature wise, I’m as awkward as all hell otherwise)
Smooth hair free legs make you run faster in CS2.
They also make it easier to slip into cute femboy outfits.
Old Reddit, ublock, and RES. Those were the days, before the fire nation attacked enshittification.
Example news article about it: https://www.gbnews.com/politics/us/elon-musk-donald-trump-mar-a-lago-florida