Could anyone provide translations for what the Chinese side is saying?
Sounds positively Rapturous
Speak for yourself, I haven’t spent any time coming anywhere near a cow
Cows kill more people every year than sharks do
Why not …
Because the powers that be benefit from the status quo too much. Hell, even the Electoral College doesn’t do the average person any favours, and that’s still going strong
::: spoiler The joke is incest :::
Ich spruichen nicht Deutsche
Was about to say that the bottom panel is missing a “Nobody” label over the waiters
How are guerrilla fighters with far inferior numbers, technology, and funding supposed to target military and government sites and not get wiped out within a week?
BUT, the very people @Prunebutt cited were advocates of violent changes to established oppression. Their critiques of the Bolsheviks stemmed from ongoing mismanagement and oppression.
Contemporary America had very similar civil rights violations, with the main difference being that the US government was an established authority, while the Bolsheviks were only recently established. Attempting a worker’s strike in the US got people killed; attempting something like the Kronstadt rebellion in the US would have been an even worse bloodbath than the original.
Acting like either side is blameless is the issue. Yes, the Bolsheviks committed atrocities, and yes, the Royalists before them committed atrocities, and yes, the US is steeped in atrocities.
You’ll be posting forever, but I’m glad to see some Madam & Eve for the first time in years
Good old Sickle Rick and Mallet Morty
Obviously if its a more typical campaign and this wasn’t a previously discussed rule, then the DM shouldn’t just spring things like that on the players
Counterpoint:The DM is also a player; one who spent potentially many days working on a setting and campaign to establish a particular mood (definitely not just me).
I’m not saying that the players have to bend over backwards to keep an encyclopedia of their inventory, but if the DM is running a relatively serious survival-focused campaign that the players have agreed to play, they should keep more careful track of their inventory for arrows, food, material components, etc.
Plus, this brings value to different proficiencies, like woodworking (for fletching), Brewer’s kits for purifying water, etc.
Reading the comments on that video is doing me a concern