Suggest a first date that involves a mosh pit.
Suggest a first date that involves a mosh pit.
If you have a cat named “Garfield”, you are in big trouble.
Love that Muhammad Ali pose.
Awesome, thanks for the lead.
Hey, sorry for asking this here… I used to access public instances through a URL like this: and previously there’d be a long list of public instances, whereas now there are only 3-4. I assume this is due to Google’s attacks. If you have a link available, can you direct me to a web page or discussion or something that explains exactly what’s going on there? I’m interested in learning more about the technical details. Thanks.
Art by Ed Valigursky, was used for a paperback called “Wandl the Invader”
It’s OK dog. The thing is, you figured it out. You’re better off than those that never figured it out. Now you just gotta move on from where you’re at.
Choices - we make them, chances - we take them
Some are mistakes, some we celebrate them
We don’t look back, cause so much we facin
I always stay proud of myself, I’m yelling, “Fuck regret!”
Someone overhearing this now knows that if they reach a Halloween party, they will be briefly immortal.
Emo nights are a thing around the US, not sure about the crowd age.
I was gonna complain about the lack of pipes, til I looked at the ceiling.
ikr where’s that bias-detection bot when you really need it? /s
So what you’re saying is, you don’t hate the fools, you pity them.
Winston never talked to Big Brother, right?
Or maybe he did, and that part was expunged by Amazon.
IRL clowns are usually hard-working professionals with great people skills. Just sayin.
RIP too.
And I think there was a cyberpunk one… villastarlight or something?
They set up a system so they can pay less to their workers, AND get their customers and workers to blame each other for it. They’re scammers, not terrorists.
I never really “got” Bach until I saw the smalin visualizations.