What about the drummer?
Source: drummer 😂
What about the drummer?
Source: drummer 😂
Eh… don’t have kids so I just keep feeding my inner child. 34 and inner child getting fed af lately. 😏
Basically been on a rampage since summer… I’ve been going out to entirely too many shows lately.
Relevant af… Been flirting with the idea of finally buying pro DJ gear after like 16 years of being a DJ. Have done a jillion weddings, and a healthy dose of misc functions from corporate shindigs, galas, house parties, bars, etc…
Have limped along so far by borrowing gear whenever I had a proper gig (plenty of friends in the scene) but now I have some fun money budget. The spicy pro gear is soooo stupidly expensive but about time I had real gear off my own. The cereal box bedroom toy deck only gets you so far.
As a drummer, is it possible to learn this magic?!
Honestly man. Fuck pride or “but the rules” or any of that noise. Left is for passing, only cruising when rearview is wide open. Shift over to let the speed demons through. Not that hard.
Still can’t do anything about the kids driving like GTA7 but as long as you’re steady and predictable you’re doing all you can.
All my homies love Dropout
A very thoughtful write up! Thanks for taking the time.
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For me at least, I’m uncomfy with like, how close furry’s rejected Disney mascot kink is to a beastiality kink. Not to say they’re even that close! I’m surely oversensitive here! But I think that’s where my overall lack of pure acceptance comes from.
It’s goofy to me that the people out here like “fuck yeah, that fox with anime eyes is sexy.”
I try not to be a hater, but I have trouble with this scene so I let it be. “Consenting adults; none of my business.”
Oh man, yeah Ash is muy caliente! Barely dipped the toe in there with some of da boyes and it was problematic… Good to save those raids for a proper mean squad.
Also, anyone get itchy for Valheim when they see architecture like this?
Fully, a MASSIVE amount of what I’m into now came from Tony Hawk games and [adult swim] and the trajectory that put me on. [adult swim] was for sure the MTV of my generation.
By the time I was watching MTV, it was still some TRL and music vids, but also a big dose of Room Raiders, etc… And it eventually fell out of fashion. [AS] definitely had their finger on the pulse of what the cool cats were to tho. Such a hip scene. I still vividly recall a bump for Boondocks featuring Flying Lotus’ song Massage Situation that felt mind blowing.
Weird to think where I’d be without either.
Obviously no idea, pure speculation, but I assume there would have been like, multiple careers in jeopardy if Jack stuck by Kyle initially. Jack Black got big dummy money now. Big dummy careers like this have teams of people involved. I’m sure he was getting threats of being dropped from agencies and upcoming gigs (no more Bowser unless you back off) that played a role in the choice. He’s got enough money to be fine, but what about the others affected? I’m sure it was a terrible place to be.
Truly some devil’s advocate thoughts here; was a punk-ass move distancing himself from Kyle instead of calling out the hypocrisy. Risky jokes have existed since forever - hell Gilbert had 9/11 jokes the very next night. The Right out here selling merch with violent rhetoric for years. The whole thing is goofy.
Lol, learned your online etiquette from Xbox? Why so mad, that’s so weird too…
Y’all bringing a lot of that “all lives matter” energy, jussayin. Not sure if that’s what you’re going for, but for sure the vibe you’re giving. ✋😏🤳
Phew, what a weird take! 😂
U.M.U. goes hard af. Banger soundtrack too.
I think she felt good about doing right by her people, to the detriment of the wilderness. Folks like the lepers who would’ve previously been outcast were given a home and purpose under the lady. Similarly, women of the village were also empowered under her rule.
Cheers for the write up! Might have to give that a gander.
Been seeing some hype on that. Worth?
Woah, is it you, Sloppy Joe himself?? 😲