If the fines regarding to it are in proportion with the revenue of the business, then it likely would make a lot of them think twice about doing so.
I agree that it’s hard to enforce the rules,
and that some would still ignore them.
However updating the rules give the abused people a chance of getting justice/consolidation for their stolen work, and diminishes the chance of companies breaking the rules.
It would not combat bit torrent (P2P) piracy.
But that’s also not that important imo.
Most pirates are rather poor folks,
just trying to watch/play some content which they can’t afford, they make up for a rather neglible amount of the profit that can be had.
However it would combat billion dollar companies that would use pirated content to train LLMs to sell further. All they need is x1 internal whistleblower about doing so, and they could be fined with an amount larger then the risk is worth.
For those that don’t know:
It was a jump-scare flash game.
The goal was to navigate through the maze with your mouse, without touching the walls, which gets harder near the end, likely resulting in you getting closer to and concentrating hard on the screen.
Near the end they flashed a horror image and blasted a loud sound through your speakers.
Personally, it didn’t make me flinch much though,
but I guess it affected some others like OP.