I cast ignite.
This account is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan.
I cast ignite.
My years out of school has made me forget about how division notation is actually supposed to work and how genuinely useless the ÷ and / symbols are outside the most basic two-number problems. And it’s entirely me being dumb because I’ve already written problems as 6÷(2(1+2)) to account for it before. Me brain dun work right ;~;
like with all vpn blocks, I bypassed it by just reconnecting a few times until I got an IP that reddit didn’t mark as a vpn yet. just an annoyance.
Kim may be a horrible person but she isn’t a politician yet so I don’t think she qualifies.
Notice how all the cars in the first batch are SUVs. It’s almost like having vehicles with headlights that are on eye level with most normal cars is a bad thing.
SUVs are genuinely one of the worst things to happen to the automotive industry.
Give me your location.
Centucky Race Track
Why woud using reddit give them ad revenue
I’ve already seen plenty of posts and comments that look suspiciously product-placementy.
I refuse to join any instance that makes me write a fucking essay about whatever political or social thing the admin has strong feelings about.
“Why do Americans celebrate cinco de mayo more than anybody else” Because we get to drink all the cheap tequila we want next question
my school didn’t even focus on the battles besides a very basic timeline, no excuse
only americans know about world war 2
They become even more racist.
You’re lying. British people are mentally incapable of admitting their faults when Americans are around.
Eating anything thinking it’s going to be something else is always a bad time.
I hated grapefruits because the first time I bit into one I thought it was an orange.
I hated rye bread because the first time I had it was one of the swirly ones and I thought the dark swirl was chocolate.
But both times once I gave it some time and tried it again knowing what it was I loved it.
have you considered chocolate coated raisins in a cookie?
And now you’ve outed yourself for our blocklists. Good job.
I light our table on fire I hate this DM