Donald Tusk sounds like a conglomeration of Donald Trump and Elon Musk
Donald Tusk sounds like a conglomeration of Donald Trump and Elon Musk
West coast caves are safer apparently. /s
To me it’s like the voice gets beamed into my head, bypassing my ears. I don’t “hear” it, it doesn’t “sound” like anything but the words are there. It can pronounce things different or with accents but it isn’t a real voice.
Slow march to 40k servitors not looking far fetched. Why develop an AI/algorithm when you have no moral conscience and can just make a human do it.
F has finer whole number resolution for temperatures typically experienced by humans. Obviously C can be represented by decimals, but I tend to think whole numbers are clearer.
Personally I use C and metric for all my scientific work and F for representing outside temperature.
Edit: Phrasing
The fluxuations will be dampened by the fact people get hungry around 12 and 5. When people are able to buy food (lunch breaks and end of work day) will also limit such fluctuations. Maybe a sine wave will form but there probably isn’t enough people with the ability or forsight to try and game the system.
Its about that a large amount of furries are IT profesionals or work in the Tech sector.
The sunglasses bleeding through from the back really makes this.