Who do you think invents the drugs?
Seriously though, Biden did sign an executive order that prohibits government funded research from going behind a pay wall.
First of all, every would is true. Nanana boo-boo is not a rebuttal.
Second, if it is so awesome for people and not about tracking, why do you sneak in changes that circumvent anti tracking without telling people about it and burying the change in submenus?
How many people regularly read submenus?
The feature isn’t even mentioned in Mozilla’s data protection policies. The only way for users to turn it off is to find the opt-out function in a sub-menu of the browser’s settings.
Irritatingly, a Mozilla developer justifies the move by claiming that users can’t make an informed decision.
This is all IN ADDITION to them turning on DoH (DNS over HTTP) without permission which nullifies ad blockers.
I got fat eating lots of stuffing and gravy. I have a waist of thyme.
Y’all need some Bojangles! Fresh biscuits all day long.
I don’t think most of the people we are talking about are irrational.
They are arguing in bad faith.
It’s not that they are stupid, it’s that they’re stubborn.
And arguing against them actually poses risks because they will lie about what you said if they can use it to polish their lies.
I’m not going to upvote you, but that is an excellent troll
I saw this article in NY Times about Magnesium and sleep.
It ended that problem for me. You don’t need to consume it often or in any specific form. But it helps with this kind of sleeplessness.
Edit: Corrected link - here it is in long form: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/31/well/mind/magnesium-supplements-for-sleep.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb&ngrp=mnp&pvid=C5DB8121-ABC4-410F-BB31-F4468F62120C
New head cannon
I guess it is a pound and a quarter, but still.
That is just mis-spending the money you should have left behind with extra steps.
All the Blendin vans in Arrested Development
I think it’s an aphid. They take sap from my crepe Myrtle and crap out sticky black tar on my car and driveway.
They suuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Also older American Catholics were raised under Vatican 2. It was much more about sacrifice and helping the poor than the church John Paul 2 created.
That is the test the military used (maybe still uses) to see if the leather for their boots passes quality inspection.
If it was not treated with TCMTB, then fungi will eventually break down the leather. If it was, it will still be there.
We (humans) have leather that has survived in ancient ruins since the beginning of history.
When asked how I would like it prepared, I like:
“still pissed off”
I have a friend that goes with:
“knock off the horns and wipe its butt”