Yeah physics really jumped the derivatives shark with snap crackle and pop
Edit: they just kept coming up with more fucking derivatives its now Snap, crackle, pop, lock and drop
No fuck off gen x already blew theirs on cocaine and dotcom stocks
Some dude named Autumn’s dick
((416 / 4.184) * 50) * ( 3 / 60 )
Or something like that
Ahh so Bananas are the true royalty of the world.
Farmed so much they became inbred and almost wiped out. More than once
Reddit is not fun
Hmm is the average toilet paper roll empty?
Needs a small loan of a million dollars
Yeah there is quite the space between those two
Idk i bet you could train orphans to do it
That seems pretty evil
Yeah not like thats ever happened before in Germany
No thanks its currently occupied by spiders and i dont need more roommates
They would have asked if they could live in my attic
I feel like thats not even that many roaches for a real infestation
Also doesnt mention what kind
And there are proffesionals you can call probably once to deal with that problem.
If you find a human living in your attic unbeknownst to you well
Thats a lifetime of therapy or more to deal with after dealing with the immediate problem
Roaches every time
Idk about that
Russians usually commit unalive by hurling their lifeless bodies out of a window
Not by hurling their lifeless bodies in front of a truck