Gotta throw lovestruck in there as well.
Gotta throw lovestruck in there as well.
If, by some miracle, I ever get a girlfriend, and we’ve been together for ages, and we’ve got that extreme comfortability, I’m definitely trying this once.
“I’m flirting with you,”
“Why? Don’t lie to me.” Whilst I’m making a mental list of absolutely everything why that’s complete bollocks
Hey, it’s better than it always being shit. I’m sorry about the bipolar though. However, hopefully, it’s been found out. You can get help more suited for that.
The anxiety is.hinestly such a bitch. And I’m so glad coming out has helped. I wish you all the best.
I mean, just from a quick duckduckgo, destruction of the universe isn’t technically illegal.
Depending on how well you do it, there should be no charges because it’ll all be gone.
I hope you’re good, man.
I think I’d be the opposite. I’d be like, “It still sucks, and the loneliness hits harder than ever, fella. But when you’re 24, you’ll get something that’ll change your life.”
Just to leave this oit there for the concerned; I’m fine.
Yes, mummy.
You’ll start making jokes about this, and then it’ll catch up to you. Then you’ll remembee this comment as you and your partner are sat in a pissy bath tub
Well, at least you didn’t really like the Adidas Predator’s.
I have no experience with next cloud. But for me, openmedoavault is fine. I’ve had no issues with it, other than basic ones, and setting up can be a bit tedious, but just read guides. Also, separately powered drives may be better. But I can’t say anything about that.
See, I’m the opposite. I suffer from depression and riding/driving really helps with that.
Only I don’t get all that angry when I do. If someone annoys me, I just go for a simple under-my-breath “you twat”.
The bike works best for it. The big vroom helps quieten the sadness. Kinda hard to be sad when you’re sat on top of an explosive fuel and thousands of explosings happening between your legs. It’s kinda calming. To me, at least.
Before anyone asks, no I haven’t fucked my exhaust. It’s still the stock one.
I just want to hold a lass and have a backpack.
See, that’s exactly why I don’t use an Ash tray or a bin.
I don’t throw it on the ground either. I just swallow it. There is no need to worry about littering or finding somewhere for it that way.
I thought it was 5 litres to a gallon, honestly.
1.48 euro is 1.29 gbp.
Our petrol is about 1.59 last time I checked. Can you lot send me a few gallons?
You can even just get a raspberry pi, install openmedia vault. Get a 2tb external hard drive, and just do it that way without worrying about this type of shit. It isn’t hard to setup either.
I mean, ww3 just isn’t gonna happen. Well, there’s a tiny possibility it might, but only in the sense that NATO fucks Russia. All it’d really take is air superiority. And NATO could achieve that in an extremely quick time. Might take a week, and it might take a day. But after that, there’s not much you can do. Russia launches 500 nukes? (That’s a very generous number). Either Russia receives back double that, or they get blown up before they can cause any “real” damage. That’s not saying they won’t cause damage, but chamces are, theres ways to intercept it.
I’m not a big fan of American governments. But I do have to admit, whilst they’re actual army personal may not be as good as some lather countries, there’s no way they’re not spending billions and developing extreme tools. I mean, they lost their own stealth fighter.
The UK SAS are regarded as THE best in the world, with lots of other special forces being based on them. Poland is buying US tech. Germany is on the right side.
I don’t know anything about militaries, but from my extremely basic understanding of the words armies, the US could supply air superiority. The British could probably infiltrate extremely well, as well as a ton of other EU special forces. I mean, one of them accidentally avoided the rest of their military for, I can’t remember hoe ling, and it probably wouldn’t take all that long to find where Putin is hiding.
On a closing note, it was supposed to be a 3 day operation. It’s been over a year, and Russia still aren’t sending their best aircraft. And the rest of the world aren’t even handing over their very best tech.
If Putin tried starting WW3, it’s a lose-lose. Either mutually assure destruction, or his people revolt and NATO slides in.
Yeah, I don’t really fancy following unspecified urls for unknown image hosts.
Nevemind, I took the dive and clicked the first link appearing to be a uk website. It’s just furry porn. There homepage, however, is fucking amazing.
It wouldn’t surprise me if he used it as a cover-up for his more illegal preference.
Apparently, one on '83 as well. Don’t ask me for details though.