Okay but this one time I did exactly that thing I’m not supposed to and exactly what was expected happened so obviously cast iron bad?
Okay but this one time I did exactly that thing I’m not supposed to and exactly what was expected happened so obviously cast iron bad?
What he learned is that he has to outlaw testing for the disease from the start if he doesn’t want any reports showing how many people are dying from it.
Just because a plate stopped a bullet, doesn’t mean the plate then distributed that force evenly across it’s whole surface. The bulge on the back side of an impacted plate doesn’t form gently.
Then maybe “just use Linux” shouldn’t be the top advice for literally every computer issue presented here.
This shit right here is why ancient Vampire Investment Bankers are so insufferable.
Welcome to capitalism. Infinite growth is required, and when a market is well and truly saturated the next step is cutting more and more costs.
Incidentally, Cancer also pursues a similar strategy.
As someone who works nights and gets off work in the early morning, this is legitimately an appreciated service. Just need em to give me a beer without the “drinking at 6am?” look and they’ve got my business.
Surely this will make more people take vegans seriously!
“Things can always get worse” is a pretty shit justification to say things aren’t bad now.
How anyone who had anything to do with Navalny hasn’t fully left Russia I’ll never understand.
And give it time! I don’t want a do-over of a failed movie just a couple years later. The Ghost in the Shell movie was a disappointment, but don’t just keep plugging away at it until something works.
When you remember he got his starting wealth from an apartheid emerald mine in South Africa, this behavior makes perfect sense.
Bruh… objecting to Palestinian civilians being killed in droves is not the same as defending Hamas. Pro-Palestinian demonstrations aren’t for Hamas. Get your shit straight.
Nobody who is at risk of getting in a bar fight is having their life turned around by The Art of War. If you’re reasonable enough to take a breath and step back from that Chad about to pound your face in, it wasn’t Sun Tzu that did that.
Don’t forget the timeless pearl of wisdom, “Don’t fight if you’re gonna lose that fight.”
OP just wants to embrace semantics to try to feel superior. Just like everywhere else in their life, we’re all just rolling our eyes and wishing to the heavens they would shut up.
That doesn’t mean making an effort to minimize harm is pointless, it just means you’ll never get it to zero. Touting that phrase all too often turns into a band-aid to excuse less-ethical choices, just because someone’s always getting screwed somewhere.