Is that Big Bertha?
Born 1983, He/him, Danish AuDD introvert that’s surfed the internet since he was a tween.
Is that Big Bertha?
fan speed hysteresis
As a noob on these things, I had to rummage around to find those settings, and yes, they do indeed exist.
I greatly appreciate your comment, made me aware of what I could improve. I wouldn’t even have noticed those settings if I hadn’t looked up hysteresis, it’s not a word I think I’ve ever come across before heh.
I’m on linux, switched last year. But thanks for the recommendation!
I have 2 fans on my GPU, and I can control the curve through CoolerControl on Linux. I’ve also looked at LACT which has GPU fan control, though a bit simpler. I kept the services separated, so I could test each without them interfering with each other, but I have to say, when I woke up today, that’s what I thought was the problem, but no, after some testing I can see that it’s just that my fans, perhaps due to firmware, just doesn’t spin up unless it’s above 45%.
I looked around to see if others were having issues, and this github issue says that Nvidia API caps it at 30%. Maybe it’s capped at 45% for me on linux for some reason? I’m not too fussed about it, I’ve just made a curve that kicks in around the time I need it to.
EDIT: I did see the fans try and kick in around 40%, that’s why there are those spikes on the histogram on the left, that’s me slowly increasing from 40% to 41%, to 42% etc. Was only stable at 45%.
True. But I also tested when my GPU fans would turn on and it seems like the cut-off point was 45%, below that and they’d just stop completely. And normal idle temperature is around 40°C, and with the curve on the left it makes sense that even a 5°C increase would rev the fans up from 0% to 45% making it sound like a jet fighter about to take off.
Based on the sounds from my computer, that’s exactly the same curve the fans on my GPU and CPU uses, except for the X axis being temperature starting from 0°C going to 100°C and Y axis being fan power in percentage.
I don’t know if the whole game is worth playing but the intro alone was pretty groundbreaking for its time. Or well, one can just watch on youtube I suppose:
Absolutely blew me away back when it came out.
Do you think they’ll go through the hassle of sharing that information to all of those threads?
I can’t predict the future, I can only say that I personally have shared comments (with links) that I found insightful before, and I’d hope others would do the same if it was important enough. And sure, time on this earth is limited, but when I want to know something I trawl many comment sections to get a better picture.
Would it be easier to gather important tips if there were less sublemmies? Yes, undoubtedly, but my original point about redundancy, as the instances are all hosted different places in the world, is also a positive thing.
People are not going to copy paste their relevant comments to the 7 crossposts of the same article.
I don’t see how every comment section has to be identical, although in the case of privacy/security maybe there are cases where important information is shared in the comments, idk.
I fail to see the problem. For privacy sublemmies especially it feels nice to have a redundant way of getting told about important stuff like this.
It’s been a hot minute since I watched it as well, but I’d watch it almost religiously over and over for a while back then. Same with The Matrix and Office Space. All 1999 movies, huh…
Both are from Boondock Saints from 1999.
I know it’s late but this is the direct link to the thumbnail:
Now show me how you set up BTRFS subvolumes
It’s a clear telltale sign that reddit has broken my brain when the first thing I thought when seeing this was almost a pavlovian “we want plates”.
You put it better than I could, it’s exactly the self-righteousness that puts me off. And they basically control what gets defederated singlehandedly.
I’m quite deliberately avoiding, so no, we shouldn’t just put everything on there.
Remember a couple of years ago when Biden just made it illegal for rail workers to strike?
Just pointing out that this king shit didn’t start with Trump, it’s just gone even more off the rails.
Since we’re counting to ten:
Classic tankies are the authoritarian leaning communists, that is communists willing to use (military) power to accomplish their goals and will voice those more aggressive sounding opinions.