y’all antis lost the argument generations ago. No I am not taking you seriously
y’all antis lost the argument generations ago. No I am not taking you seriously
That is not what you have said. Of course it can’t be creative by itself, not can a paint brush or a camera. That’s a non-argument. You keep using the word plagiarism as if it’s in any way relevant. It’s not. A camera or a paint brush can be used to plagiarise as well so drop that
Makes more sense than the antis in this thread!
Not my point at all. Latent diffusion is a tool used by people in a creative manner. It’s a new medium. Every argument you’re making was made again photography a century ago, and against pre-mixed paints before that! You have no idea what you’re talking about and can;t even figure out where the argument is let alone that you lost it before you were born!
Or do you think no people are involved? That computers are just sitting there producing images with no involvement and no-one is ever looking at them, and that that is somehow a threat to you? What? How dumb are you?
Sure. You wasted your life. Hope that helps
Go read how it works, then think about how it is used by people, then realise you are an absolute titweasel, then come back and apologise
Go read about latent diffusion
So did I. Clearly you failed
100 years? Square those numbers mate. Hell, cube them!
And you’re stating utter bollocks
This is true but AI is not plagiarism. Claiming it is shows you know absolutely nothing about how it works
Yeah that’s not fascism. Pretty fucked up, sure, but not fascism
Yes they’re both shit, but one IS much worse than the other. Don’t let this kind of shit tier meme allow fascism to slide in (yes trump is a textbook fascist)
Trump not fashy enough for you?
They are both awful, yes, but one side is distinctly worse than the other
So lets just point and laugh at the bigots and their hissy fits over it
Have you looked? No? Didn’t think so. I should not have to do this for you. Wait, I don’t need to do this for you. Do a couple of basic searches and get back to me. Or better yet don’t get back to me, just learn
The short answer is systemic racism. The long answer you’re gonna have to look up on your own, but that should give you a good starting point. I’m not being paid to teach you and I don’t care enough about you to do so for free.
Of course you actually know exactly what I’m talking about already and are actually just cat fishing, aren’t you? Having looked at your profile, you’re not actually very good at trolling are you?
The white person started with a hell of a lot less institutional and social crap in their way to success. If you want to know more please look up the definition of the word “privilege”, and check yours while you’re at it.
Oh, and I’m not looking to play any sort of victim card, I just hate fascists
Your argument is bad and you should feel bad. What you have just said is bullshit and you know it. I’m done because I have had this stupid fucking argument too fucking many times and you lost it generations ago so please, just shut up and fuck off!