People don’t realize language models can regurgitate info to other people.
Cisgendered he/him
Avatar image by DanarArt
People don’t realize language models can regurgitate info to other people.
Leon was tastie.
People are people. You’re not supposed to date/have sex with co-workers in most workplaces but it happens all the time. I’m not saying it’s a good idea for people to be banging their therapist.
I believe Anarchist Batman from the Redsun Supperman comic used one.
Remove the Soviet cockade?
Says the paper that denied genocide in the 1930s.
We’re gonna need a lot of coat hangers.
Edit: In Minecraft.
How dare they hold Hbomberguy hostage.
One could interpret it as all the localities with their own distinct cultures are freed from the yolk of the Bri’ish crown. Tolkien loved England but hated the Bri’ish empire as an example.
No you have to destroy the planet through conspicuous consumption! /s