Exactly. I’m an atheist and electronics geek, but I am torn between Radio Shack and Jesus. I bet Jesus could effectively organize a world-wide general strike that completely overthrows capitalism and replaces it with a dictatorship of the proletariat so fast it would make Jeff Bezos’ head spin and pop off.
As long as I am fantasizing, I’ll bet if Radio Shack came back, they would start selling Framework laptops to ordinary consumers and kick-start a market of DIY mobile computing platforms from laptops to cell phones to TV sets to home rack-mount servers running fediverse services all built with standardized parts and overthrow the consumerist electronic appliance market.
Yeah, Trump was big into genocide too, of the Yemenese. He personally vetoed a bipartisan resolution passed by congress to condemn the Saudis for their genocide in Yemen
But then we see the genocide of the Palestinians by Israel happening right now, and Biden not only enthusiastically reiterates his support for Israel but works to punishe anyone showing support and solidarity with the victims.
And that is why Biden is polling so low right now.