This thread is going to be used as exhibit #1 at our tribunals.
This thread is going to be used as exhibit #1 at our tribunals.
How could it have been forgotten?!
Kind of a different feel, but: Fight Song - The Stanfields
Also, Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls and Creeping Death
Finally, the entire first Matrix Original Soundtrack
Edit: Gorillaz - Feel Good is tickling my brain, and there’s something about Foster the People’s Pumped Up Kicks but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea. And: Dope - Die Motherfucker Die
Hell, I just proactively blocked it from my company’s tenancy…
Gender-affirmimg truck surgery
It isn’t just a few shots. There was one a really big, well-publicized attack a couple few years ago in the PNW somewhere, and the energy sector has been warned to take protective actions (but think of the shareholders now). There have been several dozen smaller events across the country.
Of these, the EoS for pre-Win10 is probably a good thing. Everything older has been EoL from MS and shouldn’t be exposed to the Internet anyway. And if you’re concerned about an old, air gapped system, what does it matter? Use that old version of FF right alongside the ancient Windows?
But yeah, they should just fuck off with the AI bs.
Dafuq is this all-that-no-cattle,parking-lot-princess-drivin’ mouthbreather?
Don’t forget the right-wing “we’re ignoring mask mandates in the height of the pandemic and not limiting seating because we’re god-fearin’ 'mercans here!” bullshit.
And hyper-detailed too… You can identify a US highway and part of an interstate on that second map!
If you’re referring to relatively recent events (like the first 2 years of Biden’s term) you need to look no further than Kyrsten Sienema and Joe Manchin. “Democrats” that opposed the agenda (and general Good Things™) for personal greed and lobbying interests. Biden had a majority in the house, and a hostile supreme court, which we’re going to be dealing with for a good long time that’s to McConnell’s fuckery. The defection of Sienema and Manchin made progress very difficult.
It’s also harder to get the wider variety of interests in the big tent of left to go in the same direction. Kinda like herding cats.
Expand that to: “stuff that keeps you separated from the ground”. Tires fall in that category. If you live where it snows and don’t have good mass transit, get snow tires, and otherwise rotate, inflate and take care of your tires, and they’ll take care of you.
Wish I would have known that…
Pretty soon we’re going to be carrying cubes in our pockets