F# A# Infinity is such a good album.
F# A# Infinity is such a good album.
Which I think would make sense if he wanted to send a message. For example: he lays low and check press coverage to see if they report on it the way he wants. If he doesn’t get the reaction he’s looking for then he can turn himself in and get another chance to speak to the public more directly.
I can see some logic to it.
His goal wasn’t to get away with murder, his goal was to highlight the system in a way that couldn’t be ignored.
Horton hears the voice of Who-god.
I’m glad I got the opportunity to leverage my skills and knowledge in order to drive customer engagement and deliver wins as a team.
There are multiple housing problems and they’re all probably way more complicated than anyone wants to acknowledge. The highest priority “housing problem” right now imo is that there are people who don’t have a safe place to sleep at night.
In order to solve that problem you need
Building/acquiring housing costs money. If the government isn’t doing its job and spending money to solve this problem we need to
Creating a system to assign individuals to housing is probably the more “difficult” part because there needs to be some sort of consensus on the mechanics of prioritization. I personally think we should prioritize housing for individuals and families with children, but after that I don’t know who we should serve next.
Specifically the most acid trippy chapter of the Bible that describes the end of the world.
That’s super cool, I’ve wanted to do something similar like this but never have had the opportunity.
I don’t think people should have to do that, but including context is generally an important part of asking a question.
Like if I’m trying to fix a problem and I need help I’d be like “I’m getting error code 123 on my printer (make, model). I’ve tried turning it off and on again, unplugged it from the wall, but the error always pops up as soon as it finishes powering on. Anyone have any experience with this and how to solve it?”
Hot take: All criteria used to classify ideas and objects into distinct categories can eventually break down. The only reason to pursue the creation of classification systems is to facilitate communication. If we get to a point where we start throwing chairs at each other I’d argue were no longer willing to communicate, and so arguing about whether something is “this” or “that” is no longer a priority. The priority should become attending to the mental and emotional wellbeing of the individuals in the absence of labels.
I mean it kinda was, wasn’t it? If anyone can relate to teenage angst it’s teenagers.
Yeah, I see where you’re coming from. Although instead of laughing I’d probably reply with “sounds like it’s time for a story.” Because I think I would assume that something happened to them recently that highlighted the danger of fire lol
“Presenting something well-observed and well-documented as a novel thought is laughable.” I really like this sentence. It made me realize that I’d interpret “laughable” as either “humorous” or “ridiculous” depending on the context. Specifically regarding how genuine the person is being, which is impossible to be sure of. You can only make assumptions about whether a person is being genuine/honest, although you can get more comfortable with those assumptions as you get to know them better.
Those types of “hey did you know water is wet?” comments can also serve as a jumping off points for sarcastic remarks with friends.
Well it was a brand new discovery to them, and if they found value in it then it makes sense that they’d want to repeat it. But yeah, I guess I can see why that’s “funny” coming from the perspective of an older person who may have forgotten what it’s like to be a young, inexperienced kid capable of feeling fascination and wonder.
He literally showed up yesterday to take mine and I had to tell him I didn’t own one. He didn’t believe me and said I’d need to submit proof that I don’t own a truck or else he’ll come down on me with the full force of the United States Navy :( I’m so glad he’s not running for re-election.
That feels intuitively correct to me, but I’m not sure if I’d say any language is particularly “easy”. Language is complex, complicated and only makes sense in the context of understanding human communication. Although language is also more intuitive than we give it credit for.
I think spoken Japanese is possibly “easier” than spoken English, but written Japanese (outside of digital media) is essentially impossible for me because I don’t have Kanji memorized.
I’d think this type of behavior is more about social anxiety than introversion.
Yeah. I think there is a pretty big difference in the dynamic between a person who owns and directly manages rental properties and a corporate land lord that exists purely to extract as much money as possible from a tenant.
There’s nothing inherently wholesome or obscene about the cycle of death and rebirth. It simply is. 🧘