You can disable auto play in the account settings. I needed to login on the website to do that but it works on my TV now.
German, Dad, GM , Mini Painter, 3D Printer, dysfunctional gifted kid - he/him
You can disable auto play in the account settings. I needed to login on the website to do that but it works on my TV now.
Why do people accept those games and manipulation in their relationship? I’ve dealt with some shit in my youth but even in my mid twenties I just decided that’s now how I want my relationships to be. I broke up over a silent treatment once. She was a surprised Pikachu even though I told her if she keeps this up all day til bedtime and refuses to talk it out, I am done.
So after dinner I packed my shit and went to my place.
My current partner and I have agreed to not punish each other with things like silent treatment or love deprevation.
When there is a problem we talk it out. If emotions are getting in the way we try to calm down first with an hour break or so. And we also can disagree and that’s fine. Otherwise we try and find a solution. Together. It’s us versus the issue at hand. Not versus each other. Coming up on 9 years together and still madly in love.
The tuba meme would be appropriate.
You thinking those friends married and with kids are not depressed?
Source: was married with kids and depressed for years.
To be fair apocalyptic scenarios become more realistic each day. Still wouldn’t want to rely on that thing though.
That’s what I teach my kids. If you apologize and do it again it doesn’t count as an apology. An apology is a promise to do better next time.
Well but it’s not going to be another iPhone.
Yes. Sounds like I can stop trying to understand and save a lot of trouble for myself.
Many people say this. However of those who talk the talk, barely any ever walk the walk.
However I think if you are born an heir to a billionaire, you’d lack the perspective which might foster selfless philanthropy.
I’d like to think that if someone from the working class would randomly get such money they would. But it still seems unlikely.
And you wish that’d prevent them from talking. Alas here we are.
Fkin Shakespeare over here. Absolutely amazing.
Fair point.
But recently I encountered several people with the opinion that ads don’t ever work on them. And while not all ads work well and some people are more susceptible to them than others, I think very few people if any can claim ads don’t work on them at all.
And then there is the whole 'we got all their products for free for review purposes. But it totally did not affect our review score. Even though they will stop sending us free shit ahead of release if we give them a bad review. Pinky promise
That could be the case. Guess I’m lucky my old ass TV seems to respect the setting.