That raises the question: are the Voyager probes (or anything with an RTG) considered Atompunk, or do they need random bits of sheet metal welded on to meet the aesthetic first?
That raises the question: are the Voyager probes (or anything with an RTG) considered Atompunk, or do they need random bits of sheet metal welded on to meet the aesthetic first?
There are two facts old space game fans could tell you about Chris Roberts: that he will never meet a deadline (one of the Wing Commander games, his claim to fame, only came out because the publisher got sick of his delays and forced a release), and that he desperately wants to be a Hollywood writer/director. Both explain Squadron 42.
Magneto hates Beast?
They don’t have it for the same reason Sony later removed it from the PS3: letting users run arbitrary code on your console provides a massive attack surface for piracy and jailbreaking exploits.
They canceled the GTA V story DLC after seeing the success of GTA Online, and their long-time head writer and producer resigned. I have little faith that GTA6 will capture the same spark that their earlier games had.
In pog dog form!
Three things in CS meet the qualifications for arcane runes: complex regular expressions, pointer arithmetic, and bit shifting.
Hear, hear! You can burn out at anything, even your most beloved hobbies.
I was a video game modder for most of my life, but burnt out on the hobby completely after several years of maintaining a dozen or so mods for an early access game.
Making new features was great, and hunting down reported bugs in my own code was enjoyable. Constantly fixing compatibility issues due to updates (and having to rewrite perfectly valid code due to shifting or deprecated APIs) wasn’t.
I love modding, but even things you enjoy get old after a while, and the feeling of obligation to continue (even if only not to disappoint your fans) wears at you.
Ponder Stibbons inserts another punch card into Hex. Ants flow through tubes and gears begin turning.
Megumin’s other problem is she only specced into things that would improve her explosion’s damage output, neglecting basic mage things like mana capacity and efficiency. So she can only cast one (stupidly overpowered) explosion spell before all but passing out from using more mana than she actually has. It’s why no other party would take her, because even in situations where the spell would be useful she becomes a massive liability after casting it.
I’ve been to Subway twice in the last twenty years. Both times the shop was understaffed and it took more than half an hour to get our meals, and they weren’t even good compared to other sub chains that cost less, let alone the local non-franchise sub shops.
The last attempt was a few years before COVID. I can’t imagine how bad it is now.
I wonder if medicine packaged like this would be statistically more effective. The placebo effect is a real thing, and adding a layer of ceremony to the medical process might trigger it in those of a certain mindset. (or have them decry modern medicine as demonic, though that’s hardly new)
Also, I really want my medicine to come in health potion vials. Please?
The suggestions for email addresses if yours was already taken used to include what you entered plus the last two digits of your birth year. I wonder how many people born in 1988 followed that advice and now deeply regret it.
It was a literal RPG in the Xbox 360 version of Sims 3, with direct control of your Sims and everything. You could swap back to the classic overhead view and let them do their own thing at any time, or walk around and live their daily life yourself. Even had split-screen co-op, which rocked.
It kind of ruined the series for me because it was so much better with direct control yet they never revisited the feature outside of that single console port, and that game was one of the few with major backwards compatibility issues that AFAIK never got fixed so you can’t even play it anymore.
Not to mention people would arrive at their 10 minute appointment with a list of 5 completely separate medical issues that they’d been saving up for months. So either you do a full history, examination, diagnosis and treatment plan +/- prescription in 2 minutes for each problem, or the 10 minute appointment just becomes a 20 minute appointment. And then you document everything in your lunch break or after you’re supposed to have gone home 🙃
Here in the US, the last time I went to a doctor’s office they had signs posted saying that those under free healthcare could only discuss a single issue per billed visit. Which sure, saves the medical staff a ton of time and scheduling problems, but also means the most vulnerable (and least able to take time off to visit the doctor) have to prioritize health issues and let minor ones go untreated/undiagnosed until they become major ones.
Healthcare is a mess.
But Trump has more experience hurting politicians. Remember how he was a germophobe who famously refused to shake hands, until he realized he could use it as an excuse to put on a pathetic show of dominance?
To (badly) paraphrase Pratchett, “A person is hanged, meat is hung. […] First he was hanged. Then he was hung.”
The best thing to come out of Microsoft’s push into the indie space was XNA, which even now stands as one of the best game development frameworks of all time. It’s a shame they murdered it in its crib.
(I know Monogame/FNA exist, but I’ll always wonder where the project could have gone with Microsoft-level funding)
We call this the Haber Flip.