Exactly. Current meta is “soup that makes them blind for 1 day”, and I don’t see that changing in the next few patches.
Exactly. Current meta is “soup that makes them blind for 1 day”, and I don’t see that changing in the next few patches.
Fair, I didn’t know the pass conditions of the test. Still looks good to me!
Had this been an actual emergencrule, your station would follow with imporant cat pictures.
Looks perfect.
What a time to be alive!
I believe more important is to train on your kit. If you know how your gun works with ‘muscle memory’, you won’t even need to think about dicking around with the manual safety- it’ll be done my the time you think about it.
Even if you get one without the manual safety: train on that. The familiarity and comfort of the wielder is far more important a factor than any particular component of the gun.
Do I gotta have it all in Arial? A boring font may fit my style, but it sure as fuck won’t look good
I like the wary look the second figure is giving the PPSH.
Watch where you point that thing.
Oh, so your cripplinh addiction to adrenaline at speed is definitely more sensible than finding a cozy little hidey hole away from people and the myriad stresses of the Dry World?
It’s only as dangerous as you let it be.
You missed Bobson Dugnutt and Todd Bonzales, but good effort.
I can. Mostly I avoid McD’s for reasons other than their food.
Especially if they ask. Now they’re nosy and suspicious.
What are you? a cop?
Damn. This is how I learn that I am. In fact, 16 people.
The watermelon was, at least at one point, a show of support for Palestinians’ struggles. Something about sharing colors with their flag.
But as with all symbols, this may not be accurate to their meaning of it. I was basing it off the trans flag next to it (a not uncommon pairing).
Yup, math checks out.
As a nerd, the japanese there reads ‘kitten’
Nonsense, these hypothetical people have such surplusses of rooms that they each get their own theme. The one with the games is the ‘arcade cave’, the one with the guns is the ‘armory cave’ and the one with the smutty wallpaper is the ‘goon cave’
Dunno, but the bottom center that looks like Nandos says Komeri. The website looks like a hardware store.
Huh. Never woulda pegged Meatwad for a CZ-75 user. I woulda guessed a Glock.
It tracks in the context of the meme, but still.
<3 I’d love to read your works- particularly on transhumanism.
I do love me a good heist, but piracy is so pedestrian. Suitable only for novices and the lazy.
I make sure to properly steal hard drives from the developers’ computers on launch day.