You’re right per the technical definition. Just assume they mean [an instance of] this meme.
We’re lucky they’re only a little bit off.
That sounds horrendous. Kind of adorable, though.
Lmao. Does her cooking make you nostalgic?
My mom regrets that she didn’t learn all of her mother’s cajun recipes. I regret it, too.
That’s fucking adorable though. Getting old is weird.
Our white versions don’t involve the food :(
I work. Can we do it today?
It’s much easier to temp install parts than design tools to hold the parts on the rail car or ship them in crates.
The wingbox gets corrugated plastic covers to keep the elements out during shipping. The wingbox doesn’t exactly need help being stout, though.
It gets installed before the fuselage goes onto the railcar at Spirit Aerosystems and Boeing removes it while they finish the interior.
“But what if we put cheese in the cake batter before we fry the batter?”
Add the punisher logo for the trifecta.
Where the fuck did I find someone in real life to talk to about image formats? I always thought it was j. I can’t even recall any conversations about it until the 2010s.
Prolly also need humidity and temp sensors outside the drum.
You’re one of today’s lucky 10,000 it seems.
I get mad if you set the dogs off lol
Everyone’s being all wink wink understated and you come in here all Leroy fucking Jenkins.
Shhhh. Want a new F35?