Never really looked at the Elder Scrolls world map. Does this mean I can boot up Skyrim and travel due East and eventually wind up at a good game???
Never really looked at the Elder Scrolls world map. Does this mean I can boot up Skyrim and travel due East and eventually wind up at a good game???
So aim lower, and en masse…
You know this from experience? You seem like my kinda guy.
Ok. Then it swings down and the pin pulls from its momentum? Maybe?
I realize you’re not a gamer, but I have a “frost guard cuirass of the wintery north” on my female elf, it’s basically a bikini made of dry ice, but it gives +83 to cold resistance.
I realize you’re not a gamer, but I have a “frost guard cuirass of the wintery north” on my female elf, it’s basically a bikini made of dry ice, but it gives +83 to cold resistance.
I realize you’re not a gamer, but I have a “frost guard cuirass of the wintery north” on my female elf, it’s basically a bikini made of dry ice, but it gives +83 to cold resistance.
I can’t tell if either or both of them were sarcastic.
I forgot to say IN THEORY again. My bad.
Just responding to the “scalping” quote. It absolutely wouldn’t stop scalping, what I HOPE op was trying to say was that it could be used to prevent Ticketmaster, or any entity like it, from charging fees on every exchange of said ticket.
Remove the person, have them talking to each other, and that’s my love life.
I know I should know, but what is this scene from?
Valid point. Hadn’t considered that. Really stirred some self reflection in me and casual readers of this thread. Bravo.
Why is it always race? I understand the welfare queen myth, but nothing about that song made me reflect on skin color.
Maybe it’s just you.
*billions of tiny legs
I’m sooooo ok with this. Being able to understand where their depression was and able to communicate perfectly how to shift their perspective would give me a purpose that would kill my depression and realign my perspective.
First of all, you’re right.
Second of all, steamed plain? I’m still eating the fuck outta that shit.
I really like broccoli.