It’s worth noting that there are naturally occurring “black” olives, but they tend to have a sort of purple hue, there are also sun dried black olives that are kind of wrinkly.
But those ink black ones you get on pizzas? Nah.
It’s worth noting that there are naturally occurring “black” olives, but they tend to have a sort of purple hue, there are also sun dried black olives that are kind of wrinkly.
But those ink black ones you get on pizzas? Nah.
Fun fact: “Black olives, though labeled as “ripe” on supermarket cans, actually aren’t: these, a California invention, are green olives that have been cured in an alkaline solution, and then treated with oxygen and an iron compound (ferrous gluconate) that turns their skins a shiny patent-leather black.”–the-bitter-truth
The current version of Peggle is utterly unplayable, monetised trash.
However, I recently dug out a first gen iPod touch that hasn’t been connected to the internet in ~15 years, it’s got 1 game on it, og Peggle.
It’s gained a new lease of life as a standalone peggle console and I love it.
Given that monitors tend to be wider than they are high, can’t see how this is a win tbh. Unless you’re going vertical monitor, then it’s the same real estate right?
E: words E2: I reread, if you can find that add-on I’d love to know what it is.
I will look at this but I never have more than 4 tabs open so…
Yeah, I didn’t really think you had that many tabs open in one window. But it was funny to think someone might have done that. Think how small they’d be!
Each tab must have been one micron wide, how did you even expect to be able to click on a specific one in the future with that many open - wait, I think I’ve answered my own question.
I think it’s Norman Bates from Psycho.
Couldn’t agree more, children’s shows should absolutely be about peeling away the thin veneer of sanity that’s all there is protecting us from the gargling, writhing chaos and madness that lies in the darkness beyond.
It builds character.
Shark facts aside, the fact that Polaris is a ternary system, rather than a single star has completely blown my mind.
This has to be canon right?
Don’t know about terraria specifically, but it’s a sliding scale of how you like beef cooked right?
The mid section is the usual meat doneness from Well done to Rare
Going up it parodies loot rarity types from Rare to Mythic (maybe Unreal is one too?). The idea is that, going “more rare” than rare beef is
What do we call videos on twitter at the moment?
The string section are scavengers, they’ll wait for a poorly aimed honkwitch to land amongst them, then descend as a pack.
The spoils are divided up hierarchically, first violin always eats first.