I’m so glad someone else remembers that! It’s always my follow up when hearing the Velma line.
Loved watching Johnny Bravo as a kid
I’m so glad someone else remembers that! It’s always my follow up when hearing the Velma line.
Loved watching Johnny Bravo as a kid
Pro tip (or maybe it’s common knowledge idk): place it handle-down so the bristles don’t get messed up over time from just sitting there.
Maybe if you didn’t get baked all the time…
I was gonna diagnose you with Vinny Derangement Syndrome, but either you’re exactly right, or I have it too
And even if that bullet traveled at escape velocity it would only end up in a slightly more eccentric orbit. If my mental model is right, they would have to wait until a bit after sunset and shoot straight up to send it in the right direction while encountering the least atmospheric drag.
thank mr skeltal
It happens to me too, but I’m always grateful if I have even a few minutes to shut my eyes again. They usually feel dry/irritated because I’m a night owl and don’t give myself enough time to sleep.
Yeah, 20 if I’m lucky 😞
Certainly feels eternal at 6:50. On the bright side, if you decide to get up and answer nature’s call, the feeling of slipping back under the already-warm covers is unbeatable.
Infinite money sounds great, but if you activate this glitch the Law faction becomes hostile toward you and their aggro range is increased.
There is a similar cheat that you can activate with a cheat code, but your parents need to input the code on the title screen before starting your game. You’ll start in “New Game +” with huge bonuses to cash and influence. The Law faction becomes friendly toward you, and the MegaRich are neutral instead of hostile, and they’ll even forgive minor grievances sometimes.
I never learned the code so I can’t help much more than that. Sorry 😔
Ace Ventura was 1994 though 👴🏻But I also miss the early aughts. Good times.
This scene in particular always cracked me up. I love how Carrey would just randomly break into animal-like behavior.
This, and when I pee in the morning, are the two times of confused panic when I genuinely try to become a water bender
I was just wondering about whether it would be obnoxious to use the occasional reaction image in Lemmy comments. I remember seeing a lot of images during the great exodus, but rarely since.
It feels ridiculous to ask, but is there a generally agreed-upon etiquette for this stuff? I feel like I missed a memo or something 😂
All valid points, and I’m glad Spotify works for you. For me though, the tedium isn’t nearly as bad as it seems to be for you. I’m fine with my methods since they’ve never truly failed me Even with my relatively disorganized collection, I can find what I’m looking for pretty quickly even without metadata (Lots of my oldest stuff is also from Limewire, and even Kazaa. Let’s just not mention the bitrate of some of it lol).
I’m fine with gradually expanding my tastes too, so I don’t need Spotify for finding new things. To be fair though, I have found some truly great stuff through the site that I feel I would have never heard, so it’s not without its merits. Though if you’re ever bored and you want to do some manual discovery, Every Noise at Once is a bizarrely cool place and might lead to some interesting finds. But YMMV. And if I don’t feel like picking anything I’ll just throw on whatever internet radio station suits my fancy.
I get you on the storage space as well. Luckily for me, a lot of what I listen to (don’t make fun please) is chiptunes, and I found a kickass app for my phone that reads the same files that the real consoles read so I can enjoy them in truly perfect quality, plus I have actual weeks of music in this format for less than 300 megs.
I admit my tastes are highly eclectic - to say the least - but I’m perfectly content with that. It’s great that you, along with the majority of other people, have an option that best suits your needs. May we both be able to access our music solutions as long as possible.
You mean there’s more of me out there?!
✅ No buffering, music starts instantly
✅ No connection issues
✅ No monthly money drain
✅ No arbitrary access or availability revocation
❌ No immediate access to any song I want to hear, but
✅ I’m patient
Sad to see Gaijin 4koma missing, but maybe it was underappreciated even in its time.
Or maybe I’m just that old…
Milhouse is not a meme, but “Milhouse is not a meme” is a meme
I know your comment didn’t necessarily appear out of nowhere, but it reminds me of that subreddit “skamtebord”
I miss that one sometimes…