I was thinking “I’m busy”?
I was thinking “I’m busy”?
New Grumpy Cat just dropped!
You would be correct.
Guy on the bottom has a mouse cursor over him so it’s obvious the pic is AI. Can’t prove the top pic isn’t also AI. These pics tell me nothing…this guy probably doesn’t even exist.
raises hand
I like how Stacy is prepared for this emergency in the inflatable raft in the lake up in the snow-capped mountains. She brought her bathing suit and had time to put it on!
Dammit, thank you - fixed. Appreciate you letting me know.
Very interesting YT clip from a linguist on exactly this. He traces its history and some origins go back quite a ways and lots come from the Black community, which should surprise no one.
I find some of the origin story fascinating. Apparently it almost started a war with Libya (2nd story).
Only the bottom part of the sandcrawler was built for close-up scenes in the Tatooine desert for Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. In Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones these large vessels appeared on matte paintings. George Lucas took many pictures of the treads of NASA’s space rocket carrier (known as a crawler) as inspiration for the sandcrawler.
In Jay’s book, the author implies that the original shooting location of the Jawa Sandcrawler may have been a little too close to the Libyan border for Gaddafi’s comfort, because the Libyan government “rushed inspectors across the border to ensure Lucas’s crew wasn’t constructing some newfangled military vehicle.”
The vehicle’s original design was conceived by Colin Cantwell, and was later redesigned by Ralph McQuarrie, one of the most famous of the Star Wars designers. It was modeled after NASA moon rovers from the time. There were smaller models, of course, used for effects shots, but the bottom half of outsize Sandcrawler — complete with tank treads — was also built to accommodate a notable scene where Luke Skywalker’s uncle buys R2-D2 from the Jawas.
Power could also be electrical power and propulsion could be engine power.
Source: the name of my division at work is called Power and Propulsion
Yes! That’s what I had! I had my hands up screaming the entire time because it was so fun!
That ride is fucking amazing.
I love this perspective - short, succinct, and true.
A lot of south Louisiana food is a reflection of this.
I mean, I don’t know about you but that’s how I learn history.
And then someone makes a tapestry of it.
Since I have no brothers or sisters, it’s just meh to me lol
lol thankfully no, and here it is:
Oh thanks for that ‘cancel’ tip!