They’re notorious money pits, partially because they’re also notoriously stupid to work on.
They’re notorious money pits, partially because they’re also notoriously stupid to work on.
Even worse, then you have to drive a Volkswagen
The “smart part” absolutely makes those TVs bad. The meme even addresses this with the line about hardware being ripped wholesale from an old smart phone. Smart TV hardware barely functions when it’s brand new. Fuck everything about smart TVs.
If something doesn’t open in VLC…then you should probably try it in Media Player Classic, and if that doesn’t work then the file is totally fucked.
OP literally used the word “loss” and you still didn’t realize you got whooshed
Wild Robot - movie theater
It only cost us about $42 for two tickets, a popcorn, and a soda. The movie was truly wonderful and I don’t regret going, but it was our only visit to the theater in 2024 for a reason.
Ooh sick, a generic ass redditism. You sure showed me.
I’m not sure either of you even know what an “edgelord” is. Calling out stupidity has been normal internet behavior for the past 30 years.
“check their phone ringer in a panic”
You know, like a normal person with a brain would say. It’s pretty sad you couldn’t come up with that.
A super fast car is a tool to make me happier. Not that I’ll ever be able to afford one.
I don’t have any specific recommendations, and the guide from dicks seems sensible. I will say that, having used both sit-in and sit-on, I myself definitely prefer sit-in. And I’m not a pro, I mostly use mine on calm lakes and gentle streams. My only piece of advice is to not cheap out and buy some $250 piece of junk from Walmart. It’s not going to be fun and will probably turn you off of kayaking immediately. You shouldn’t have to consciously think and make an effort to stay upright, the boat should just do that on its own. I like the brand Old Town, but there are lots of good boats out there. I hope you enjoy it.
Fuck yeah, what kind are you getting?
My own research has led me to believe it’s just a bunch of edgy 14 year olds, because I don’t know who else could stand all the gif spam in the comments.
Perhaps not, but I think we can safely say Fable 3 was the worst!
Often the batter contains honey, so it is somewhat sweet, yes. You’re missing out if you’ve never had one.
Ok but the 80s had terrible 80s music and awful 80s movies which cancel out all that good shit.
What are the things that you don’t like? I’m in the market for a new (used) vehicle and Mazda seems to top a lot of charts for the past several years but I’ve never driven one.