What kind of cat is that
What kind of cat is that
can you imagine finding the original nuclear semiotics sites and just treating them like we treated the Egyptian tombs lol
Imagine how deranged someone would sound calming saying “I’m very whelmed by this”
thats not jupiter it’s Jruleipiter jeez read the post
“I don’t know, king, what is Truth? Anyway, pass the pie.”
Doesn’t that kind of erode their entire premise as a company?
Yeah, we all know about the famous Idaho orgies ok, no need to rub it in
Everyone should hang in and resist the slide toward fascism, even if that’s Neocon Republican types like Haley.
Then why do all of them adopt eagles as a symbol when they wanna look cool? Checkmate atheists.
Yeah, he’s the Pope… that’s kinda their whole role
Absolutely terrifying that such a man was in charge of post-911 USA
Real easy to dismiss “culture war” issues when you’re not on the receiving end of them. Race, gender, religious prejudices predate capitalism and will likely be with us long after it’s gone.
So why are X-rays the only ones that are just X if the rest are Greek
I agree with the general idea here, but when I started following the Swift jet tracker after the Superbowl, I saw her make two flights that next day. Seems to me, some people are taking a whole hell of a lot while the rest of us are left with scraps.
sounds like Robert Evans finally got Super soaker Full of Piss off the ground
I would say “hey that’s just copying” but Microsoft is legally incapable of being wrong, or noticing irony so I’ll leave it be
Being shitty to people is bad for them, more at 11