I’d take some less evil, please.
I’d take some less evil, please.
“what does it matter what another stupid monkey thinks of me?”
He likes money. He makes a killing shilling grifts. All these professional trolls knows it’s all garbage.
I agree. It’s just a shame that people would rather sabotage than build a movement by attacking everyone on both the inside and outside of the fence.
The vegan communities, in my experience, are pretty spiky. Even amongst vegans there’s a huge rift, like they’re competing on whose version is most ethical. It’s turned me off actually interacting with them as I find my own balance of reducing suffering into this world.
Thanks. The nuance is appreciated. If Russia “reclaims” Ukraine through total victory do you think they would allow the Ukraine identity to subsist? Are there more countries Russia would like to revanche? I think Moldova would be an easy grab.
There’s definitely some BS the west is imposing on Ukraine to drag this conflict out. It feels like it’s to financially ruin Russia. I just don’t understand why Russia doesn’t cut it’s losses and just take what they already have. Ukraine is never going to be a part of NATO so I don’t understand the NATO expansion argument either.
Hey, I’m actually interested in your personal opinion. Are you pro Russian and if so why? Is there a long game being played out that fits your views with Russian expansion? Or rather the west’s decline.
If Ukraine wants to breakup with Russia. The correct response is to not rape and murder them.
I’m trying to avoid certain words on .ml. there are different kinds of “leftists”
Nah dude. A good portion of leftists want Ukraine genocided.
It’s probably because their shit behavior isn’t boosted and protected by billionaires.
Jason Alexander was the only reason I watched it. He goes hard.
I was buying drugs with it before it got wrecked. It would be nice to have a stable coin that isn’t tethered to another currency.
Ah, yeah that makes sense. It must be a nightmare to deal with Americans if you don’t speak English.
I don’t travel. Is it common for the locals servicing tourists to not know at least enough English to get by?
Honestly, whatever looks and feels the best for you. I would, generally, stick to mid range basses. Something that can be properly set up to play comfortably. Your tone will mostly come from your amp/cab so don’t worry about pickups too much.
Yeah. I tune to Eb when I feel like playing some guns n roses with no issues. I think I like guitar and bass equally. Bass is definitely more fun though.
I think you misinterpreted my comments. That’s okay my dude. I was saying POC can also have 1st world problems and aren’t excluded because of their race.
They’re the same picture!