Ok, I will bite.
- Face is short and rounded
For this to be true her head would have to end above her eyes. Her face is clearly oval.
- Childlike positioning of arms and hands, which are small and thin like seen in children
Art which doesn’t not comfort to the anatomy of humans doesn’t exist?
- Bows in her hair
I am truly saddened by the fact that at 18 we lose “bows in hair” license 😮💨
- Childlike pout
… What’s next ? Child-like posture or walking ??
This really does look like a kid with tits.
If you would look at anatomy of adult woman and child you would notice that child’s torso sides are usually flat while woman’s have curvatures
If you want to make valid critique then you could have noted bigger head. Head on children is proportionally bigger than on adults
Ah yes, “communism”. Op show me 1 country with communism. Dictatorship with ‘communism’ in their name don’t count.
I am average worker who preordered it 2-3 days ago for 100€ with intent that if it’s bad that I will be able to refund it.
So far I have like 6 hours put it and except some stuff sometimes clipping through walls or weird movement and 1 crash I didn’t notice anything else broken. There are some game mechanics I am annoyed about and “open-world” performance is bad but it’s not broken game the bitching make it outs to be.
So far I am experiencing the Bethesda RPG™ I though it would be and I am happy. Can’t wait for modders to put more stuff in.
The warlord’s fat wallet.