Keep it up. We had a step challenge at work and I was regularly getting like 14,000-22,000 a day for the month. Now that’s over I’m averaging like 5.2k a day and I should sort that.
Keep it up. We had a step challenge at work and I was regularly getting like 14,000-22,000 a day for the month. Now that’s over I’m averaging like 5.2k a day and I should sort that.
Funnily enough, I have a playlist with the Andor score and some nice medley / covers which I have called “And/or”
Samsung have been trying to dodge honouring under warranty for years - check the comments for how much work had to be put in to get them to honour it. It pays to fight sometimes.
Yes, that’s where my whisky goes dammit.
I ran it on a mid range business machine from 2014 with mostly mild upgrades and a 1060 6GB. I’ve since upgraded everything but the GPU, need to have another stab but I keep playing CS2 instead. When I’m not playing that it’s TOTK on the Switch.
Now my migration to Lemmy feels complete.
I like shows like Andor which have a mildly interesting premise but rely on phenomenal writing and execution to really shine.
Well, back in 19-dickety-2, I used to wear an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time.
Early 40s here and I stood last year for GnR and they’re always late. No regrets. Still go to metal and electronic music gigs / “raves”
Glowworm Caves yesterday, many sunsets, the impact of the view of rolling hills on your eyes vs recorded etc.
I cut an old mid range business machine’s case to fit a 1060 6GB hand-me-down.
My Samsung fridge has been fantastic over the past 10 years but for one thing. The control panel is borked so I can’t actually change any settings lol. But as it stands, doing a solid job.
It helps to just go to Faron tower, glide across to the lizalfos and take em out. Lots of durian trees there, pick em up and make a good few hearty meals. All the extra hearts means you’ll need to cook less.
No idea how I found this out, probably just from being on the BotW subreddit, but the specific timings are 23:30 - 00:00. This guarantees a crit effect from your meals (more duration, more hearts etc).
In my head it was informed in a loading screen or by an NPC but I can’t find anything online that confirms this, so guess I just came across a thread once!
I think 5 x Hearty Durians is 20 temporary hearts normally but under a blood moon I got 24 temporary hearts in one recipie.
Morrowind would just soft reboot the Xbox during load screens. I think Blood Moons are a smarter move overall as it adds to the fun and gamer knowledge that enemies have respawned etc, but the Morrowind implementation was such that the player wouldn’t notice the background soft reboot, because the screen retained a static loading screen during the process.
Also Skyrim (PS3 at least), just added the info tracking the game state to the save file which made it incredibly large after many hours of playing so some found it unplayable.
That said there’s evidence that most night time blood moons are scripted (i.e. for gameplay), and anything you see during the day is a “panic” one, added later in the coding timeline, for the memory free up purpose. Blood moons weren’t originally planned for that (or they were maybe but timing wasn’t implemented?), but they work well for it.
This sent me down a rabbit hole!
I had a bulldozer one!