Not even Elon Musk gets to ignore Wikimedia policies. That will never change.
I hope this is true. By the end of Trump’s term, ICE may be able to simply storm the Wikimedia offices and shut everything down if they don’t adhere to Trump’s official truth.
I assume they have enough international presence that things will be able to continue, but their core office being in the US is no longer the pretty-good protection against authoritarian regimes trying to force them to alter what they’re presenting. I’m sure they will fight, but a lot of the tools they used to use to fight with are being attacked, with quite a bit of success, right now.
I was careful with my phrasing for exactly that reason. I think that, either, before the end of his current term things will blow up in such cataclysmic fashion that all bets are off for what comes next, or else Trump will be starting his third term in 2029.
As much as I am scared for it, I am hoping it is the first.