Gay people have been in film and television since the 90s, what point are you trying to make?
People aren’t watching what they put out. Their sustainment is heavily reliant on their parks. They destroyed Marvel and Star Wars chasing something other than what the respective core demographic wanted. This is clearly majorly impacting them or else:
It’s not looking good for the “narrative”, I’ll tell you that.
Theres been inclusion and representation in movies and TV since the 90s. I’m confused. What are you referring to specifically?
So what you’re saying is good content is good because it appeals to the audience and we are now purposefully not appealing to the vast, overwhelming majority of human beings which is why Disney and other companies that chase that temporary trend are failing in droves.
Got it.
So only one specific agenda is correct. All the rest must be silenced.
They should just abstain from controversial shit and just make good movies.
I don’t remember any of their prior movies needing to push agendas for anything in particular.
I never understood this. I sleep with wet socks on and the fan. Helps keep me cool at night.
That seems counterintuitive. What do you do? Ask people pretty please not to commit crimes?
You don’t want immigrant children going to school with the same kids as the local population?
Then they should have no problem if they are going to the same public schools.
Can you provide an example?
If they are long enough, they won’t be around to do it again
Integration should be the responsibility of anyone who enters another country. I wouldn’t go to Japan or Germany and expect them to slice off a chunk of their territory and call it America for me.
And your alternative is to be light on crime and forgiving? That’s going to yield better results?
Well at least they won’t be around to do it again.
Being very hard on crime. Hand out long sentences to offenders.
Being tough on violent gangs causes a lot of damage? Can you elaborate on this?
Drugs shouldn’t be considered criminal so I agree with you there. But violence, robbery, absolutely should be incredibly enforced.
How is tough on crime damaging?
What was the agenda?