It also runs like crap, even on decent hardware. I don’t get why people love it so much…
It also runs like crap, even on decent hardware. I don’t get why people love it so much…
LOL that’s not a bad way of explaining it. My reasoning is that I like CloudFlare, so I’ll default to them, but if CF goes down I want DNS to continue working. I figure Google is one of the servers that’s LEAST likely to go down.
I do CloudFlare first and Google as backup.
I feel like NextCloud needs some relatively capable hardware to run on, and their minimum specs are bullshit.
I’ve tried it on a relatively capable PC (with an old i7) in a docker container in WSL, and it ran like shit. I’m sure it would have run better natively, but I don’t want to devote that entire machine to NextCloud.
I’ve tried it on a Raspberry Pi 4 (2GB) and it ran like shit. People keep saying it runs on low-powered hardware, but I have yet to see it.
I thought Facebook lite didn’t include messenger features? If they’re bundling it all into one lite app, I’d actually say that’s a GOOD thing.
Hmmm it’s using a spoiler tag to hide the summary until you click. Spoiler tags work for me on desktop, but they don’t seem to work in Lemmy apps like Connect or Liftoff. It does work in Jerboa, however.
Yes! I love that it hides the summary now until you click to expand. That way it doesn’t needlessly take up space unless you want it to.
Ah I was afraid of that, having copyrighted music will make things a little more difficult. I know Google Drive scans for that type of thing, not sure about Dropbox or Box. You could try Mega.io or another non-US service that doesn’t care what you upload.
If you want privacy and control over who sees your stuff, I’d look into storage platforms that support live video playback, rather than video platforms. And if you have a LOT of videos, you’ll likely end up paying a small amount per month.
If you’re sharing videos that don’t have any copyright concerns or issues, then something like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Box should work.
If you want something FOSS, I’d say you’re limited to self-hosting with something like NextCloud, OwnCloud, or SeaFile. A more plug-and-play (but not FOSS) self-hosting option would be a Synology NAS.
I’m saying that if a law isn’t enforced, then breaking that law EFFECTIVELY is not illegal. Companies have been violating open source TOS for decades and nothing has happened. To make them stop, somebody would have to put up the money and lawyers to sue them and make them pay. But that hasn’t happened yet, so the status quo will continue.
Against the terms of use? Yes. Illegal? Sort of, but practically not until somebody proves it in court.
Ah, got it. Very unclear from your comment.
What the hell are you talking about? Consider reading the actual article before commenting something snarky. WD owns SanDisk, and this article is shitting all over them.
Here’s a short version if you can’t be bothered: It’s a follow-up to this article from May where they reported on a bug in SanDisk firmware that erased your data. WD claims to have fixed it with an update, but that appears to be false. The fact that these drives with a high failure rate are also being sold with a deep discount makes it seem like WD/SanDisk is just trying to get rid of defective hardware as quickly as possible while minimizing dollars lost, at the expense of your data.
Ah yes, maybe you’re in IT like me. 😆
Firefox Containers help, I have a separate container for each client. Actually I’ve been using Arc Browser more recently, it’s a great browser but not FOSS.
It’s not a sensible path for a school with budget constraints (which is most schools). They would need to come up with a new MDM solution because they can’t manage their computers with Google anymore. So their IT costs would increase dramatically, probably more money than they would save by keeping the old hardware alive. The simplest path forward is to just buy new Chromebooks.
Wow get this genius some venture capital funding
The decision probably involved a big line of cocaine
I think it’s new, I’ve only seen people sharing it recently (in the past week). That count is likely outdated.
Supposedly this is a temporary logo until they can create a more permanent one. It literally came from some random that tweeted at him (X’d at him? Lol). He asked for submissions and just chose one, maybe he accidentally laid off all the graphic designers.
Adobe is a bloated garbage company that hasn’t truly innovated in a decade, they’re just hoarding their proprietary tools and formats to squeeze as much money out of customers as possible.