lies, sometimes I still need to flip usb-c to get it in. there’s still a hidden dimension there, it’s just better hidden than before
lies, sometimes I still need to flip usb-c to get it in. there’s still a hidden dimension there, it’s just better hidden than before
I’ll have you know I sprinkled the first 3 spices I could find on that microwaved dinner, if that’s not fine dining I don’t know what is. yes the first 2 were salt and pepper, next question
Try the audio captcha, those seem to have actual valid answers to them.
Funny enough, there’s an extension that solves captchas by feeding that audio through a speech recognition algorithm. If anything it’s more reliable than solving them manually
AMdroid is similar, bunch of different task and puzzle options you can set for your future self to solve before you can turn the alarm off. I usually do math problems, just difficult enough that I need to be at least 90% conscious to actually solve them.
come morning time I hate the app with a passion, but it’s just the kick in the ass I need sometimes
your link shows a \ before each underscore in the visible text for me in both comments, like this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Blue\_stop\_sign\_-\_hawaii\_-\_oct\_2015.jpg
and hovering or clicking the link replaces that \ with %5C, so the entire thing tries linking to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Blue%5C_stop%5C_sign%5C_-%5C_hawaii%5C_-%5C_oct%5C_2015.jpg
. clicking ‘source’ on those comments shows just the \ before each underscore
no idea what’s causing it, super weird to have the same bug messing with links that reddit does
also plastic bags ever since ultrasonic welding became more widespread. now the seam is as strong or stronger than the surrounding plastic so you can’t just pull the seam apart for a clean edge like you could with most heat-sealed edges
On the contrary, it’s also the delicious tang in Parmesan cheese. American chocolate tastes as much like vomit as real Parmesan cheese does