This guy is a garbage picker xD
I’ve been banned from too many communities already. Fuck Lemmy mods, makes this place worse than Reddit.
This guy is a garbage picker xD
I know this is a funny haha but NGL I’d rather have this bleak future than revert back to 1997 with FOSS alternatives.
It was not ‘pictures of monkeys’ it was art. It was digital art. If you don’t get that then you don’t understand money laundering.
Yes because they cost more for the business usually.
Surely you can show me an example of this fake seal of greeness? I work on several sustainability teams, but I don’t know what I am talking about. I would love if you showed me.
While I am against green washing, there is a reason companies do that vs going with the alternative. You can expect prices of goods to go up very quickly in the near future.
I thought it was the shroud of turin I’m a bad catholic
If today is February 15th, what day is it in this new calendar? How do time zones work?
What’s stopping us from just switching to this calendar right now? How do I convert my birthday to this calendar? I’ll switch this very second
Wait a second this picture is photoshopped 😡
It looked real for a second
Hehe capitalism
Nothing that a couple of cat batteries hooked up in parallel can’t fix.
What’s a fascist mean to you nerds anyways? Like what does it even mean to be anti fascist?
DAE drink water? Smash that like button
Maybe because its not a genocide?