But now who will donate pretend coats for the virtually needy?!
But now who will donate pretend coats for the virtually needy?!
You’re a moron if you use this.
Apple has done this many times before. Over even more frivolous patents (i.e. a glossy black rectangle)
They made their bed, now they have to lie in it
Search input elements still don’t have a native “clear” button
JFC that’s been a thing in webkit for nearly 2 decades
Throw them into the ocean, same as all car batteries
Subaru Solana or whatever it’s called. I bought an ascent earlier this year, but it basically came down to splitting hairs when I went with it over the Solana. Absolute blast to test drive that thing, and I’d love to take it down to Moab or similar places.
Probably going to wind up leasing one next year, so I don’t have to worry about battery decline down the road
Reddit has been dying for a decade or longer, it’s just now the people who saw it through all the previous crap, and tried to make it have some semblance of the site it once was, have up and left, leaving it to the brainless hordes.
Not if they have a way to strip watermarks too, as has happened with every other system like this
In some places they are.
In Utah, for example, there’s a system called Utopia. They ran fiber all over the place, to the home in most locations. The fiber itself is an Ethernet network owned by Utopia. ISPs then just provide service over said Ethernet network. You can have multiple ISPs at the same time, and they don’t actually own the last-mile, or much else
If you can’t list em, you shouldn’t be able to charge for em
After switching to Pulumi, I don’t ever want to use terraform again
cult of personality
[Ian Cutress]
LMAO proving the point
I use OSMAnd whenever I can
Sounds like they made a bad investment choice.
Keep in mind the users left on reddit aren’t really the cream of the crop. They’re the ones who say stuff like “bruhhh this app is shit” fully unaware that reddit is a website first and foremost
Reddit is competing with Instagram and TikTok for the dumbest slice of the Internet. If you can think, you’re no longer welcome there, and are probably a liability to their advertising efforts
Google can already do that. It’s called “safe browsing” and if your site ever gets on the wrong side of it good luck. It’s easier to get off a spamhaus registry than it
hosting a list of banned subreddits
On reddit
Not the brightest bunch
Not necessarily. A hash of the body/url+timestamp would always point to the same place, and could be calculated on the fly.
leaving old.reddit alone for so many years
Except they killed part of the old reddit experience earlier this year, when they decommissioned i.reddit
I wish more people would hold Sam Altman’s feet to the fire, hold him to some semblance of accountability. Because the man has made an entire career of failing upwards, from launching a short lived startup that imploded, to suddenly beginning president of ycombinator, to suddenly being worth billions of dollars, and literally paying people in the third world (with monopoly money, of course) for their eyeballs
Oh and there’s the whole thing where he might have molested his kid sister, which is always seemingly glossed over
Even Ed Zitron, who isn’t afraid to go after someone (see his articles about the guy who destroyed Google search) seems to handle Sam with kid gloves