Pretend that OP had his fragile ego damaged by your stupid, inane, misguided, stupid take >:(
There’s an important distinction to be made between rednecks and hillbillies. The south would like you toe believe that anything non-urban is redneck, this is not so.
Porque no los dos?
I’d hazard a guess that being a wasteful pos has something to do with it.
I used to be a night owl, then I had a job that required me to get up at 5:30. It sucked for 2 weeks and now I’m a morning person.
Still here, we just stopped talking to you because you’re an asshole.
That’s it, none of you are going to heaven! This comment section is a fucking cesspool of degenerates.
The bricks are throwing me off, but it could be the camera quality.
No one knows
I’m pretty sure everyone knows.
Holy shit you’re insufferable.
Found one
Bi Guys Burgers and Fries
I thought those were people and was very confused.
And the Big Basket.