Sorry if it sounded like I don’t agree with you - I do!
Most professional jobs can’t be done from a couch without screwing your body or compromising your work space, etc. A laptop on your knees isn’t a professional work environment for most people.
Completely agree! It’s a privileged place to be in to have the room to dedicate to an office but I think it’s necessary to have that setup to work from home properly without screwing your body, if nothing else.
Sure, joining a call from the couch, bed, or toilet is a thing but it’s not something that is the entire day. I agree about having a better desk set up at home - I spent a lot of my own money making my home environment better.
Lost all credibility when it implied working from home is working from the “couch”. This is not what working from home means in a professional context. Dedicated working spaces with a desk, monitors, and a proper chair is working from home in a modern organisation.
GBP is the fourth global reserve currency and financial services hover around 9% of our GDP so a move to a unified currency could have real material damage to our economy. Also as a nation that sees itself as a close ally of the US (regardless of what the US thinks) having independence on monetary policy is core to how we operate as a global power.
I can see a time when the Euro and full Schengen (although being an island nation that will always be hard) membership is desirable but that will come after we cease being what we currently are on the global stage - I hope it doesn’t get that far.
The post-Brexit decline we’re facing isn’t endless, eventually a new normal will be established but it will be far below the economic standard we could have had and will hurt us scientifically, culturally, and medically as well as economically. Having to also chuck out what is currently our only big industry to start to grow again is a big ask. Membership on closer terms but without an obligation to the Euro is probably what we will ask for when we eventually do, but there is no guarantee the EU will want us. Especially if we start to steal the finance jobs back from Frankfurt.
A lot of in-country resistance comes from the “EU Army” fallacy but that doesn’t worry me, closer integration is a good thing in my mind.
As a Brit who fought against Brexit and would welcome reentry at pretty much any price (perhaps bar adopting the Euro, at least for now) reading this sort of news is bitter sweet.
Sadly our leaders don’t care about the actual country so it’ll be a long time before membership happens.
In hopes they read this comment - the problem is your price. $100 a year is about what I pay for membership to The Guardian - a highly respected, award winning newspaper, that gives away ALL its content. Why would I pay the same for tech news that covers a fraction of all the news out there?
At $5 a year I would have signed up after reading one good article - at $10 maybe after a couple of good articles - but at $100? Never. Even if you were the only good tech news site - and you are not.