I have two of those. One’s from my old phone.
I have two of those. One’s from my old phone.
If I really like something, I get my own copy. Because I don’t like corporations deciding what I’m allowed to enjoy.
Steve Martin still looks the same
I remember only spending half my income on rent. And I’m old. But also from a high cost of living area.
I used to use Trillian back in the day - I occasionally miss the convenience. Chatting on mobile mitigates the multi-chat annoyence a little through notifications but it’s still irritating to try to remember where people are when I want to message them.
I seem to recall the downfall of Trillian was data breach. Also of course shortfalls where on different platforms there was different niche functionality that didn’t carry across to Trillian.
The tech landscape has changed a lot since then, Beeper looks like it’s got potential.
They weathered the fatpeoplhate tantrum, I’m not really sure why anyone thinks a blackout would faze them.
That said I hope lemmy can grow into a mature social content aggregator.
Feedly is a nice one. I keep up with a few web comics and tech sites using it.
The baby is white of course. Just like Jesus.