You can tell them to fuck off, but they still may make nuisance of themselves doing frivolous legal shit with no standing that’s just annoying to deal with
You can tell them to fuck off, but they still may make nuisance of themselves doing frivolous legal shit with no standing that’s just annoying to deal with
Imagine being so cringe as to think everyone on the internet is American
This was the last big vulnerability I remember hearing about, I think they were putting things that were not images there and it was a bad time
If any of the rest are even similar to SAP then please don’t compete, dealing with SAP is bad enough
Wait until he gets locked into and endless loop of “go ask your mother”
I thought I hated steak as a kid, turns out my parents were not great at cooking steak
I don’t know why, but I have a yuzu tree in my backyard in Australia, I’m renting
How anyone takes advice from someone who got kicked in the head for a living is beyond me